71- The worst

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 It was dark, it was night. The cicadas hadn't quieted down and the air buzzed. It was still as ominous as it had been earlier today. It made their home feel like a haunted house. Earlier that evening, just after Maggie and the others had returned, they had rigged bombs inside the manor.

They had all agreed Hilltop was lost. They couldn't rebuild it whilst the Commonwealth was out to steamroll them. Hornsby wouldn't expect them to destroy their home. This was their chance to get the drop on them. To get an early advantage.

"It's dark enough that they won't see us from a distance if we stay still." Alden noticed as he loaded his quiver full of arrows. "We split up. One group hides behind those old cars and the other group near the trailers."

"Is splitting up really our best option here?" Tara asked. "As a group we can fight back, but when we're split up we might get overpowered."

"Or we can pincher them." Jesus said. "All of us are better fighters than those Commonwealth soldiers."

"Yeah, but they could outnumber us like crazy." Marcos scoffed.

"I think we should split up." Lydia agreed with Alden and Jesus.

Like always the decision came down to Maggie. People trusted her to make them. They were her responsibility. That meant every death would be her fault. "We'll split up." She decided. They needed to cover as much ground as they could. "Alden, Tara, Jesus, you'll head to the trailers. Stay near the exit. Lydia, Marcos and Elijah, you'll go with me and we'll hide behind the cars. Does everyone agree?"

Everyone nodded and took their positions. The waiting ensued. When Hornsby's soldiers finally showed up they made sure to stay hidden. The dim lights in Maggie's office would draw them there first.

The fight started once the bombs went off. Light and fire flooded out of the manor. The windows splintered and the shards of glass rained to the ground. The fire formed a cloud. It wrapped around the manor and rose up. It kept on rising till the light died out and only a couple of small embers in the glass remained.

"Hornsby wasn't with them." Alden whispered. "But they're all dead."

"Remember the plan; try to recover their weapons and follow their trail back to their camp." Jesus said. "God, I hope Aaron and the others are alright."

"There's only one way we can find out if they're all actually dead." Tara taunted as she stepped out from behind the trailers.

A gunshot rang out as soon as she did. Jesus reached out to her with lightning speed and pulled her back into the cover. Tara touched her own head and chest.

"No blood. I'm alright." She breathed out relieved.

"Marco!" Lydia screeched. Her voice was broken and filled with pain.

"Get down!" Maggie followed up, stern and calm.

Tara, Alden and Jesus firmly pressed their backs against the trailers and took a moment to recollect themselves.

"The hell did that come from?" Alden hissed as he pulled an arrow from his quiver and nocked it.

Jesus peeked around the corner carefully. "I think it came from the manor." He whispered.

"Move. I'm going to see if I can take a shot." He ordered.

"No, are you crazy?" Tara pushed him back against the trailer. "It's too far away and too dark."

"It'll buy the others some time to get away." He shot back.

"Don't." Jesus hissed. "They want to escape, right? They'll be coming our way. Tara?"

Shambles- The Walking Dead [Alden x Maggie] [1/2]Where stories live. Discover now