55- Advance

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Frost, Duncan and Cole were already working to get the next door open so they could advance to the next car. They were struggling and couldn't get it to open. Alden stormed ahead with renewed vigor. For now he was fully focussed on getting to the next platform to find Maggie. After he rammed against the door one time a loud thudding sound followed. It sounded different from the walkers banging on the sides. It was louder and somewhat rhythmically.

"Is that the roof?" Alden questioned aloud.

"No, it's-" Rose started but she was cut off by Gabriel.


They all got quiet and listened to the thudding that clearly followed a repeating cycle over and over again.

"It's below us." Cole noted, like Rose wasn't just about to say the same.

"It's morse code." Alden added as he made his way toward the middle of the car the sound came from. "It's SOS."

The thumping continued. It got louder and more desperate.

"Get that hatch open. It's Maggie." He demanded as he pointed the small metal door on the ground.

Duncan gave a nod and used Negan's crowbar to open the metal door. Next thing they knew she climbed up into the car. Her face and clothes were covered in grime form crawling across the train tracks.

"Maggie!" Alden exclaimed, relieved, as he shoved everyone in between them aside and stormed up to her.

Maggie's face was a weird mix of anger and relief. Alden hugged her tight, not even bothered that she smelled like sewer. He didn't mind at all and kissed her.

"What the hell happened?" He asked as he pulled back, his voice laced with concern.

Her eyes spat fire at Negan as she gently pushed Alden aside to get him out from in between them. "Him." She didn't need to point out who she was talking about. She closed the distance between them and struck him on the side of his head, knocking him down to the ground for the second time today. "I slipped. He saw, and he left me to die." She spat at him as he stood back up.

Alden's grip on his spear tightened and his knuckles turned white, all without his own noticing. It took everything out of him not to stick the blade in Negan's neck right there and then.

"Yeah." Negan began with a heavy sigh. "Okay. So what?"

"You're just admitting it?" Gabriel shook his head in disbelief.

"You tried to kill her!" Alden wanted to jump him but Maggie pushed him back.

"No, she was in trouble, and I didn't help. There is a big difference." He defended.

"That's no difference." Laura sighed, disappointed. "It's the exact same thing with a pretty bow."

Maggie still held her arm across Alden's chest. She knew the second she pulled it back, he'd launch at Negan. Then she pulled her arm back and watched him storm towards him. And so did Jesus, finally letting his anger get the better of him for once. He slammed him into the side of the car and kept him pinned against the wall with gritted teeth. Alden backed him up by pressing the tip of his spear against the underside of Negan's chin. He pressed it hard enough that Negan had to tip his head back and a single drop of blood rolled down his throat.

"Who's gonna save you?" Alden growled at him. "Who's got your back? Huh?"

"He gets the message. Now, back up." Carl hissed.

"She was just talking about murdering me, sooner rather than later, and yet somehow, I'm the big old Asshole. Because I didn't risk my nuts for her?" Negan gritted through his teeth.

Shambles- The Walking Dead [Alden x Maggie] [1/2]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ