7- Family

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Time went on and life at Sanctuary became the new norm. Alden knew what was expected of him and how to act. Living here kept him and Rose alive. Other people fought and scavenged for them. They no longer had to risk their own lives. Alden still didn't feel the need to carry a gun, as Dwight had advised him. This morning he started his morning like usual; he woke up and got himself ready for work. He gave Rose a hug and left her to her school work and set off.

As he walked across the hallway he noticed Negan and Simon were walking towards him. He greeted them with a little silent nod, as usual. Simon was always somewhere close to Negan's side, it was like they were fused at the hip. Out of nowhere Simon's fist connected squarely to Alden's jaw.

A shock shot through his system and knocked him off balance. He dropped to his knees and spat out a mouthful of blood; he'd bitten his cheek. The world spun around him, in the same way that his mind was spinning to make sense of what was happening. He looked up at both men looming over him. The copper taste still lingered in his mouth.

"What the hell!" he slurred through the blood already pooling in his mouth again. His jaw throbbed painfully.

Negan smiled down at him menacingly. His eyes appeared to darken as he pressed Lucille up against his jaw. The barbed wire bit into Alden's jaw and drew blood.

"We didn't want the kid to see," Negan began. He swung his bat back and pointed in the direction of their room. "We could still make her watch if you don't behave." He paused to let the threat settle in. "Are you going to behave?"

"Yes, yes, I will." He shook his head wildly. "Please, don't... Please, don't let her see."

"Atta boy!" Simon taunted and slapped his shoulder harshly. He moved his hand and grabbed his collar, hauling him to his feet.

Simon and Negan started to walk, draggin Alden along by his collar. He didn't know what was happening. He hadn't done anything. His head was still reeling from the blow and he struggled to keep in step with Simon. His feet kept slipping out from underneath him every couple of steps. He kept having to scramble to get back to his feet to stop himself from choking, but each time he didn't have enough time to regain his balance properly. Disoriented and confused he was finally thrown down on a cold concrete floor of a tiny empty room with no windows.

"I-I-I don't know what this is about. I don't know what I did," he rattled, panicked and scared as he still laid sprawled out on the floor. Simon kicked him in his chest. It knocked all the air out of him and left him heaving for air. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks. "Please," he managed to choke out.

"Oh, shit, are you crying?" Negan taunted.

Simon grabbed Alden's hair and pulled him upwards, forcing him onto his knees. "Where'd they go, Alden?" His voice was sharp and demanding.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" he cried out desperately. Blood mixed with spit dribbled down his chin and onto his neck, there was too much blood pooling in his mouth.

"Dwight, his wife and her sister, where are they?" His voice was even more demanding.

Alden blinked confused, not quite understanding the question. He was in too much pain to think clearly. "They're here," he finally rasped, confused.

"No, they're not!" Simon snapped. "Think!" He struck Alden's nose with his fist. It didn't crack, but it started bleeding profusely.

"What?" he asked. His voice trembled so much that he doubted they could understand him. "I don't know. I don't know, I swear it." He choked down a sob. He tried his best to keep it together. All he wanted to do was collapse on the floor and cry.

Shambles- The Walking Dead [Alden x Maggie] [1/2]Where stories live. Discover now