18- Chaos

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It was complete chaos. People were screaming and running around in panic. Blood and corpses were strewn about the mansion's main hall. Walkers moved around slow and sluggish paces. There was one peculiar thing about them, they didn't smell like death. The smell that lingered in the air was that of iron, the smell of blood.

Alden noticed a man on the ground twitching as a walker went down on his neck. Without thinking he ran ahead and tore the walker off the man, jabbing it in the head as he did. He looked down at the man, but it was already too late. Blood gushed from his neck readily. There was no use in stopping the bleeding, he was already infected. The most humane thing to do was to let him bleed out, it would only take a matter of seconds. Then once it was over he pushed his knife into the side of the man's head, who's name he would never learn.

He and Sasha began guiding people outside. Making sure people didn't run the opposite way in their panic. Maggie joined up with them and once the manor was nearly cleared she sent Sasha and Alden out to check up on the people outside. To see if the people inside the trailers were alright.

They ran past each and every trailer, checking whether or not their doors were closed. Most had their doors closed and they presumed them to be safe. Then they came upon Jesus' trailer. The door was wide open. Once they got closer they heard high pitched screaming rising from inside and their pace hastened.

They found Mika huddled up in a corner keeping a walker away from her with a wooden chair. She was screaming and crying for help as the walker clawed for her with his hands. She was only barely able to keep it from scratching her. Sasha stabbed the walker in the head with her knife from behind. The long blade ran straight through its head and stuck out on the other side.

"No!" Mika sobbed as the body fell to the ground lifelessly. She threw the chair aside and crawled to the corpse right in front of her. "No," she sobbed again.

Then Alden noticed the thin bracelet around the corpse's wrist, very much like the one Rose had made him. There was only one option for who this could've been and his heart sank for Mika.

"Tobin," she cried as she clutched onto his checkered shirt. She turned him over and her cries became louder as she saw the state of his face; it was all messed up. He was barely recognizable. There was blood all over him. Some was his and some had to be from other people he'd bitten because there was too much blood staining the front of his shirt.

"I'm sorry, Mika," Sasha tried to comfort her. She cared for Mika too, partly because Tyreese had cared for her. She also knew how much Tobin had cared for Mika, like she was his kid.

"It's not your fault," Mika sniffled.

Alden grabbed a blanket off the couch and covered Tobin up with it. Mika shouldn't have to look at him like that.

"I want to stay with him," she added softly.

"That's okay," Alden smiled sadly.

"Mika, I have to ask this, why was the door open?" Sasha asked as she held an eye on the opened door to make sure nothing entered.

"It was already open when the screaming started and Henry was gone. Then Rose left to find him. I didn't have the time to grab my gun, or my knife, before he came in," she motioned to Tobin. "At first I thought he was alive and that he was here to protect me," she sniffed again. "But he was dead."

"Will you be fine here on your own?" Alden asked as he squeezed her shoulder, trying to be comforting. "If not either Sasha or I will stay with you."

She didn't look up from the white bloodstained sheet covering Tobin. "I'll be fine," she whispered. She held her head high. "Someone has to watch over Tobin's body."

Shambles- The Walking Dead [Alden x Maggie] [1/2]Where stories live. Discover now