XVII| Beware of the Scallywags

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guys my hands actually shook for like an hour thank u so much for the 1k reads this really makes the 10 year old me and I today happy yall deserve big gifts and big love ily all mwa mwa GRRRRRR big hugs for everyone!!! <<3333
tysm for the votes too aaaaa!!





    The brunet winces against Cole’s chest. The tightening grip on the hem of the noiret’s clothes only fuels more of his gnawing anxiety. Suddenly, he forgets their victory. He doesn’t even acknowledge Yang being there. Not even the silent audience watching them. Everything is forgotten; Kai is hurt and hissing in pain, and it’s what only hollows.

    “Kai?” breathed Cole. His pupils shake as he brings his hand to the brunet’s back where the slash had come in contact with.

    The grip on his shirt loosens.


    Something warm and solid meets his fingertips.


    Just then, Kai pulls himself off of Cole with a face full of boiling hatred. He turns around, and that’s when the pirate is able to see a single scratch on a metal beneath the ripped shirt. A cuirass.

    Kai deepens his glare at Yang who’s got shock written all over his face just like everyone else on the ship.

    Cole can’t exactly see what kind of look Kai is sending, but judging from the audience backing out, Yang’s expression, and through experiencing them alot first hand — he reckons he wouldn’t want to see it either. The boatswain’s earlier glare at him wasn’t even scary next to it…

     The brunet rolls his shoulders. And as he mumbles incoherent curses under his breath, he marches forward Yang and instantly throws a BRUTAL jab at his jaw.

     “Ooo…!” The crowd howled.

     Yang flops to the ground.

    “Son of a bitch,” panted Kai as he rubs his fist. He turns around, and his expression softens once he sees Cole. The noiret has his jaw dropped, with a hand up to his chest as he sighs in relief.

    Lloyd snatches Yang’s hat and throws it in the air. “The capt’n is down!”


    “Baw kawk!”

    Once again, the Bounty breaks into a huge cheer, and Jay happily throws the chicken high up as Nya frightfully screeches at it.


    Cole absent-mindedly draws himself towards Kai, now with his nerves calmed down and recovering from the earlier jumpscare. Looking at the merman being alive, well, and smirking at him calms him down. Kai looks better smiling like that. The sight he had a moment ago was disheartening.

     He pulls the shorter one away from the unconscious Yang. “ You just gave me a heart attack.”

    Kai holds back a scoff. “Believe me, I did too.”

    “Ye had an armour on this entire time?!”

    “I admit I’m dumb, but why must I be aboard a pirate ship without chest armour on, you ask?”

    A sarcastic laugh. “So that’s why yer heavy.”



(Lavashipping) Tend to the Flame: The Lost PendantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora