00 | Who is There to Find You in the Dark?

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warning! graphic depiction of violence

Buccaneers - Other term for pirates
Blimey - to express frustration
Hearties - friends/crew
Aft - the back of the ship

     Warmth is comforting. Warmth has always been one that we often seek for when the freezing times come. In these cold waters it is hard to shelter one’s body for heat, especially when fire does not set aflame; the poor fire extinguishes.

     That’s no problem for creatures of the sea of course, since they are accustomed to live deep in the ocean and do not need fire. There's no need to tend to the flame because there never is one to begin with.

    Set aside the volcanos and oh so ethereal places where there really is fire somewhere in the deepest parts of the oceans. Those are places inhabited by creatures one mustn’t dare to taunt… or look into its eyes. Whatever. It’s best to not see one.

    It’s quite beautiful if you ask me.

    Although as ironic as it sounds, when we people fall into the waters and drown it's always described as if there is fire in our lungs.

    Our throats burn when we sip alcohol; our eyes burn when we set tears free; our lungs burn when we drown; lastly, our hearts burn when they swell.

    It burns.

    That’s what Kai Smith thought as his fists tightened, becoming pale in color as his arms violently shook in terror. His heart pounded against his ribcage. The world that surrounds him is dark and his vision seems to give an illusion of alerting red hues as he watches the person who’s got a tight grip on him.

    “A radiant ruby you are,” awed the old merman clad in none but patches of rags poorly stitched together; that fact alone made the terrified youth aware of his uncertain safety — if the look he’s given was not enough to send shivers down his spine.

    The merman looked at Kai like he was a breathing feast. The gaze laid upon at his tender-cared scales, tail that seems to resemble that of satin, brown unkempt hair that spiked in different directions, hypnotising vermilion fins, amber eyes which seems to glow in the dim room, even his garments crafted by the finest artisans.

    "You're a breathing threat to the world, Kai." The merman let out a wicked smile. "With a single command of yours, earth will set aflame leaving none but ashes. Your parents never told you that, have they?"

    "Please let go of me," pleaded the brunet.

    "Your sparks have yet to ignite, is it because you're not aware?"

    "I want to see my parents —”

    "Or is it…" The older glances down at the strings that hang around Kai's neck. "because of this?" He snaps the necklace away from the young one, causing him to loudly yelp and lose his balance.

    Raising the pendant up high, the red gem illuminates under the beam of light peeking through small cracks from walls. Oh how the beauty of it disgusted the old merman.

(Lavashipping) Tend to the Flame: The Lost PendantWhere stories live. Discover now