VII| There is a Light

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sorry for the late upload i commuted a long way.. <</33

chapter brought to u by Pure Love by Mother Mother


     Several hours have passed since the attack of the sirens. The sun has set and the moon has risen, and quite a lot happened between the exchangement.

     The moment Yang and the crew set their eyes on the four supposed captives, it was once again tense, until the captain obnoxiously laughed with open arms. Welcome to the crew! he said.

     Not having that much of a choice, the four just decided to go with it. It's better than being tied to the mast again or to walk the plank. Everyone’s been referring to them as the scallywags since then — well, except Cole, Pixal, Zane (who they now know as Snake Jaguar,) and some other nicer mates like Dareth.

     Kai couldn’t believe it, the moment he thought he could get some rest after the exhausting fight, everyone’s suddenly been tasked to repair what’s been broken. And he’s back to being seasick. The four were basically being tortured, having to do most of the job because they’re new and Yang wanted to “see their capabilities, if they’re worthy to live in the seas or not.”

      Kai kept his energy going, and it’s mostly done out of spite thanks to the quartermaster’s non-stop orders. Though, he did almost throw up once, and he’s been a pitiful sloth since then.

     Cole and the other mostly injured crew were sent to the lower decks however, because they can’t really do any help and will probably just cause more trouble with their state. Being the only witch-in-training in the whole crew, Pixal did most of the nursing, which went really well despite being on her own. Cole became fine in no time, though he’s still required to rest and isolate himself in a place with less noise (which is the kitchen, and Kai spotted him there laying on the floor and sadly munching on biscuits, alone.)

     Oh and also, Pixal did something with Kai’s injury on his eye. He’s got no idea what she did, whatever it is, it definitely made him feel numb from it.

     “Witches are insane, imagine being able to wash away your pain that instant,” said Nya to Kai while she was hammering down the nail.

     Jay butted in by sympathising with her opinion and talking about how the smoke coming from Pixal’s candle seemed to make an image.

     “Discovering a witch and sirens in one day? This day cannot get any weirder. Next thing you know there's a ghost coming to possess you somewhere in this ship,” Lloyd commented while tying the broken rails with a rope. The other three giggled.

     Labour is insane in a pirate life, there’s no doubt about that.

     Cole’s physique makes sense now.

     Anyways —

     Finally, now that the night has come, Yang thankfully called it a day, and everyone’s now free to do whatever they want and sleep. He’s been waiting for the moment, especially after internally complaining about dealing with his new damn scars on his face and the world orbiting around his head.

    It had eventually died out, and he’s slowly getting accustomed to the motion.

     Kai leans himself on the damp fence, taking in the view of the stars from the back of the ship. Nya, Jay, and Lloyd are probably already sleeping somewhere in the corner on the berth deck. He can’t bring himself to sleep. There’s too much in his head to sleep.

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