Brief Note

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The title is based on a song called Ashes from the album Cure What Ails Ye by The Longest Johns.

dw about the pirate lingo, i'm only gonna pirateffy(?) the words and not their whole sentences or whatever for reasons being:
1. They’re hard to understand. I decided to be reader friendly or easy.
2. The number 1 was to cover up that I plainly didn't want to study pirate lingo but hey, facts on the 1.

BUT if i ever do use the pirate phrases or old slangs or something, dont worry too. I’m gonna put their meanings beforehand so uh [wink wink] we gucci.

Also i don't know much about mermaids/mermen or fishes but i do search about them. Same goes for… pretty much almost everything here. Just telling you that if there's ever something wrong with my fanfiction or if you’re having troubles with it, I’m terribly sorry. I’m trying my best m8


Ships in this trilogy: Lavashipping, Jaya, Pixane, and... well, the parents.

Trigger warnings: minor character deaths, PTSD, cursing (alot), graphic depictions of violence, and possibly others that may be addressed at the start of the chapter.

Beta? None.

Sappy? I've been told it is.

Angst? Present, but this trilogy intends to be lighthearted and serve as a comforting/resting place so dw I do what I can to not make things too heavy or smthng

Ninjago essence? It's there, but this is an AU.

[Weekly updates]

[No implies of homophobia, patriarchism and such throughout the trilogy]


》crossposted on ao3

Also, hello, if by any small chance you are from ao3, there are no absolute changes or whatsoever SKJGFDLSCRIES sorry about that.

Also this is kinda experimentalism(what) im posting here cuz im curious with the different experiences between ao3 and wattpad. That, and my friends encourage it.


Now buckle up sailors cuz i got almost 80k words for u wOOOOOOO!! 🤸🤸💨💨💨

(Lavashipping) Tend to the Flame: The Lost PendantWhere stories live. Discover now