Chapter 34

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Courtney's POV:


"It's getting late. Can we get this over with?" I asked, kicking a rock that was on the dock into the water.

"You heard her boys." Lucia nodded to the ten men behind us.

We were waiting for the usual monthly shipment to come in.

Lucia and I don't usually come in person to the shipments anymore. Everything normally goes smoothly and if it doesn't Lucia figures out the problem and we handle it accordingly.

The last 'problem' is currently tied to a bag of bricks under the dock we are waiting on.

The reason we are here today is because there is a new supplier. The last supplier tried to sell us out to the cops when they were caught with a fuck ton of drugs on board.

What they didn't know was the Police Chief he reported everything to was given a brand new Rolls Royce by yours truly a week prior. The officer came to me and told me everything. I thanked him with a brand new Rolex and he was happy to help us keep the drug bust under wraps.

I've become something of an assistant to Lucia since she took over a larger role in the family business. We work well with each other and she and I have become very close over the years. Especially after everything we went through together. These last five years have been a lot to handle and I don't think I would've survived them without Lucia by my side. Learning how to run a mob together was no easy feat. She's become a sister to me and I to her.

I kept my head down looking at the water ebb and flow below me as the small ship docked in front of us. I felt Lucia nudge my arm with hers gaining my attention.

"Heads up." She nodded in the direction of the boat. I moved my gaze up to where she was directing and saw three large men exiting the boat. Five years ago I would have been intimidated by the sight of the large tattooed men.

Ever since that night in that hotel room... A chill went down my spine just remembering the bloody images from that night. Let's just say, few things scare me these days.

"That's the new head of the Cartel?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"Yep. Game faces sis." She nodded, stepping out in front of me to meet the tattooed men. I took a deep breath in and followed her.

Lucia was the first to talk.

"Good afternoon gentlemen." She said with a small smirk on her lips. She held her right hand out to shake the man in front.

Lucia always exuded confidence in these situations. I was still trying to learn how to hold myself in the way that exudes power. Not an easy thing to do, unless you're a Morretti of course. All of this always came so naturally to Lucia and Alesia. We've all been doing this job the same amount of time and everything just comes naturally to them.

"This is who the Morretti's send to greet us?" The largest man in the front said with a disgusted look on his face. "Two little girls?" The two men flanking him chuckled behind him.

I watched Lucia shift her left hand up slowly to the back of her jeans. To the men, this clearly didn't seem like a threat in any way seeing as she was just a 'little girl'. But to me, I knew that was where she keeps her gun and she is the quickest draw in the fucking world. It's actually insane the pace she uses to pull that gun out and shoot shots ON TARGET!

"I think you will find that us two little girls are more than sufficient enough hosts to greet you Mr..." She ended with a question, asking the mans name. Meanwhile, her hand was wrapping around the grip of her pistol.

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