Chapter 18

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Gias POV:

It only felt like I had been asleep for 10 minutes when Courtney's Alarm went off. She rolled over without leaving my arms and turned the alarm off. She moved to climb out of bed but I pulled her back into me.

"Gia." She giggled. "I need to go to work."

I pretended to still be asleep and didn't respond. I just held her close to me. I didn't want her to leave me alone in my bed.

Courtney rolled over to face me and placed her hands on my face. Clearly knowing I wasn't sleeping.

She leaned in and kissed me.

"I have to go." She whispered against my lips kissing me again. I kept my eyes closed and pulled her into me tightly, groaning.

"Just call in sick and stay in bed with me all day." I said tucking my head into her neck kissing her skin softly.

"As enticing as that sounds, I can't. The shop has been busier than usual since you told all your men to get their coffee from me. So really it's your fault." She joked leaning away from me.

I finally opened my eyes and looked at her beautiful face.

"I can rectify the situation with one phone call." I smirked at her. She threw her head back with laughter.

"What if I promise to come back over right after work." She said then leaned into my ear and whispered, "then you can have me in your bed for the rest of the day."

Chills went down my spine and if anything her words made me want to keep her in my bed even more now.

"Fuck." I said opening my arms and freeing her. "Go before I change my mind." I groaned as she started to giggle.

She leaned back in and captured my lips one last time before she climbed out of bed. I watched her throw her sweatpants on and she turned to look at me as she tied her hair up into a ponytail. She caught me watching her so she slowly walked over and leaned down over me.

"Will you be coming to get some coffee?" She asked smiling down at me. Her green eyes took my breath away. I placed a hand on the back of her head and pulled her down to me for another kiss. She giggled against my lips and pulled back smiling at me.

"I'll be there, Tesoro." I grinned. Her smile grew even bigger and she leaned back down for one more kiss before she left my room to go get ready at her place.

I sighed and tried to make myself comfortable again. It just wasn't the same without Courtney in my bed. So instead of going back to sleep I walked to the bathroom and took a shower.

I ended up getting ready for the day in a pair of jeans and a white tank top with a Hawaiian shirt that I left open. I like to dress casually when I don't have mafia things to attend to.

I tied my hair back into a loose ponytail letting some curls fall around my face. I walked downstairs and made myself a bowl of cereal and sat at the counter eating and watching tik toks until 9 AM.

I decided then that I had waited long enough to see Courtney. So I put my bowl and spoon in the dishwasher and threw on some white converse then grabbed my keys and a pair of sunglasses then left my house.

The drive to Knights coffee went by quickly. I think that's because my thoughts were filled by a certain beautiful blonde who was waiting to see me.

Fuck, it's nice to know someone wants to see me. I am never happier than when I'm around her.

I pulled up in front of the shop and after I turned the car off I walked into the restaurant, pulling my glasses off my face. My eyes instantly found Courtney. She was at a table pouring coffee and laughing at something someone said. She's so beautiful. Then I moved my eyes to the person at the table and my blood ran cold.

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