Chapter 32

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Gia's POV:

Sitting in the back of the police car, all I could do was admire the stupidity of the man driving the car. I know for a fact that he knows who I am. What I can have done to him. What I almost had done to him the other night at that party when I saw him trying to take advantage of my very intoxicated girlfriend. What I am going to do to him when I get out of custody. Why is he doing this knowing what he knows?

I looked out the window as we drove down the streets of northern Brooklyn. My new territory. I smiled to myself at the thought. It was over. All the suffering and chaos from the Costa's ended tonight. I know It won't be exactly simple in this transitional period but it will be easier, less stressful even. I am no longer a puppet for old Italian men.

The most important thing is that my family and Courtney are no longer in any immediate danger and she knows that I love her.

My smile grew wider. I am in love with Courtney Knight. I will never let her feel like I don't want her again.

"Stop smiling." Officer Teller said from the front seat, pulling me from my thoughts.

I turned my head and looked up front where he was glaring at me through his rearview mirror. I frowned at him and adjusted myself in the seat. My hands were still cuffed behind my back and pressed into the seat behind me. I had lost feeling in them about five minutes ago but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing I was uncomfortable.

"I'm pretty sure I have the right to express myself as I see fit. First amendment of the constitution maybe?" I said sarcastically with a smirk on my face.

Suddenly, Teller slammed on the brakes and I flew forward so my face smacked into the metal divider in front of me. I felt blood begin to trickle down into my mouth almost immediately. I sank back into the seat glaring at him with unintentional tears in my eyes. There is no way my nose wasn't broken from the impact. He turned around and smirked at me.

"From now on, you have no rights." He smirked then turned back around and continued driving.

I couldn't even respond. My mind was reeling trying to figure out what he meant. I looked out the window and realized he was merging onto a highway that would take us into Manhattan. Realization washed over me and It felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured over my head.

He's not taking me to the station. I'm being kidnapped. Nobody knows where I am.

Why is he doing this? What is his motive? I don't even know this man aside from a few brief encounters.

Think Gia. Think.

My phone. I still have my phone in my back pocket. The idiot never took it from me. My sister can track my phone. I always share my location with her.

I looked up at the officer to make sure he wasn't looking and adjusted myself slowly so I could let the blood flow back to my hands. As I slowly regained feeling in my fingers I maneuvered them into my back pocket and got the phone out without drawing attention to the man in front of me. It took me somewhere around ten minutes and when I finally got it, I looked out the window only to realize I had no Idea where I was anymore. It was starting to get dark outside and snow was falling all around us. I could just make out that we were somewhere on highway 9 along the Hudson river going northbound. I was still trying to figure out exactly where we were when the car began to slow down and we were pulling off of the highway. He turned into a parking lot of an old motel and parked the squad car.

"Where the fuck are you taking me?" I spat out as he unbuckled his seatbelt. He climbed out of the car without answering and opened the back door, standing in front of me grinning.

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