Chapter 20

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Courtney's POV:

I hate being left alone when Gia goes on her jobs so Lucia and I started hanging out. We've actually become really close over the last month or so of us doing this. Being in each others company takes our minds off the fact that Gia and Joey could be injured or dead somewhere.

Those fears became a reality after Gia's phone call earlier. After Lucia hung up, her whole body started shaking then without a word, she grabbed her keys and walked towards the door.

My heart dropped to my stomach. Someone was hurt. All I kept thinking was not Gia. Please not Gia. I scurried out the door after her then she told me Joey had been shot. A sense of relief washed over me for a moment then I felt nothing but guilt.

I took her keys from her and drove us to the restaurant. As soon as I saw Gia I wrapped my arms around her and let out a sigh of relief.

In that moment seeing her alive and okay I knew I loved her.

I don't think I'd survive losing her at this point. She is my comfort, she is my love, she is my world.

After she left the room, I stared at Joeys dead body, unable to move as I held Lucia in my arms. I couldn't believe that he was gone. Joey has always been quiet but I've always felt comfortable around him. He had this calming effect anytime he entered a room.

I felt so much better when Gia would leave the house knowing he was by her side. He cared for her so much. And for Lucia, he'd jump in front of a train for her. Watching him love her so intensely gave me hope. It was beautiful. And now it's gone.

Soon we were escorted from the room by our guards so we sat in the hallway outside the door. Lucia couldn't walk. All she could do was sob and all I could do was try to comfort her.

That's when Gia walked by with Eddie with a hardened expression. I saw her eyes move to me for a moment then she looked away just as quickly. I wanted to follow her but Lucia needed me more. Gia has always been so good at handling her emotions and she seemed to be staying strong under pressure.

Lucia refused to leave the restaurant so I took her to the front and sat in a booth with her right after Gia walked downstairs. Another ten minutes went by as Lucia cried silently with her head on the table, then Gia walked out from the back with blood on her beautiful face. I panicked. I walked to her quickly to make sure she was okay. Physically everything was fine. I learned right after I cleaned her face that Emotionally, she was a wreck.

The way she tried to push me away and completely destroyed her sister by giving her that ring almost destroyed me. I wanted to fix everything. I wanted to go to Enzo right now and solve all of her problems for her. I just want her to be okay. When she left the restaurant I felt like I couldn't breathe. In a way it felt like she was leaving me.

I held Lucia in the restaurant for another half hour as she cried and fumbled with the ring box. I shielded her eyes as they carried Joeys limp body out of the restaurant. Once she quieted down I asked her security guards to drive her home then had my security drive me home.

I was really hoping Gia was there, but her car was gone and all the lights were off. It was 2 AM, where could she be? My head started spinning as me and my guard walked towards my house.

The way Gia was talking before she left made it seem like she wished she was dead. The thought almost made me break down into tears. I unlocked my front door and all I kept thinking was that I needed her to be okay.

Gia has been in my life again for 3 months and she is already everything to me. I know we haven't really made anything official, but we both know what we mean to each other. This is more than just sex.

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