Chapter 30

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Gia's POV:

Today was either going to go really well, or really bad. I'd prefer the good outcome but at this point I'm okay with either one. I am no longer going to be a bystander while I let others make decisions for me.

I am Gia Morretti. Boss of the Morretti mafia, multi millionaire, bad ass bitch. I have spent the last few months dreading what I have stepped into but not once appreciated what I have been given. Among all of the things that have fallen into my lap in the few months there is Courtney.

I don't know when it happened or how, but she has become as important to me as the air I breathe. The reason I wake up in the morning.

The worst part about all of this is it didn't take her as long to figure out she felt the same way about me. I knew when I ended things with her a few days ago, she was completely in love with me. I knew if I asked her to run away with me and leave all of this shit behind she would have in an instant. Yet instead of coming up with a plan, I chose to break her instead.

If the roles were reversed in this situation, I would hate her. I'd hate her for stringing me along. I'd hate her for not choosing me. I'd hate her for making me fall in love with her.

That's why I couldn't be the one to reach out to her. I know for a fact she wouldn't answer my call. I asked Lucia to call her. This is my go big or go home scenario. If this is my last day alive I want Courtney to know how I truly feel about her.

If there is a bad outcome at least I'll have tried.

There was a shift in me the second I finished my talk with Gio yesterday. I feel confident again. I feel stronger, freer, happier. I was ready to take whatever was thrown my way today and deal with it without regret.

"Gia. It's time." Eddie said, barely poking his head into the room. I took one last glance at myself in the full body mirror. I did look pretty good in my white dress pants and matching waistcoat with nothing underneath it, showing off my exposed arms and collar bones. My hair was styled up in a sleek ponytail that had been straightened and hung down my back, while my makeup was dark and eye-catching.

I spun around and looked at Eddie, raising my arms up at him with a grin.

"Not too shabby for my wedding day huh?" I asked, showing off my outfit.

"Not too bad at all boss." He smiled back.

"Let's go then." I said, grabbing the white over coat and slung it over my left shoulder. Eddie moved out of the door and allowed me to walk past him. He followed after me as we walked into the main area where guests were taking their seats. Most of the people here were just members of both gangs used to fill up the area. There were a few distant relatives of mine here and there but no one I was really close to.

I walked up the aisle to take my place. Most people quieted down as I passed.

"Hello." I said to the man Enzo had chosen to officiate the wedding. All the stranger did was nod his head at me and avert his eyes. He seemed rather anxious. Probably something to do with the room being full to the brim with mafia members. I grinned to myself and put my white overcoat on.

Just then the door burst open at the back of the room and everyone's head turned to look. There stood the love of my life red faced and out of breath with Lucia right behind her.

Courtney's eyes locked with mine immediately. I felt my breath hitch in my throat and my legs were close to giving out.

She wore an old worn out sweatshirt and a pair of grey sweatpants with paint stains on them. Her blonde hair was a mess, her face was red and she was breathing heavily from what I assumed was running. Even with all of that going on she was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

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