46. Captain is Back!

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We arrived at Wano for almost a week. Whole Cake Island is too far from Wano so I assume Luffy still needs one more week to arrive at Wano.

I am not allowed to go to the capital so I can't only stay at our temporary stronghold, Oden Castle.

Aruna PoV

"Tra-guy and his crew had gone out to gather info. Maybe I can sneak out to play around."

"Don't ever do this Lunar-ya. We don't want our plan exposed because of you getting bored." Tra-guy said. Ugh, he returned already.

"Why did you come back so fast?"

"To prevent you from going out." He said staring at me, I only smiled awkwardly at him. Suddenly my Den Den Mushi rings.

"Is that Mugiwara-ya?"

"Eh? But I didn't give my number to Luffy. Who is calling me?" Tra-guy came beside me to hear who was calling.

I picked up the call and the voice said, "Aruna where are you now, you almost 2 weeks didn't ca-.*Clank*"
I stare at the Den Den Mushi for a moment, "Holy shit that's Alber!"

"What?! Do you mean one of the Kaido's right-hand man?!" Tra-guy asked.

I nodded my head and got an idea all of a sudden. I ignited the Den Den Mushi, and burned it into ashes, so sorry I need to destroy you.

"Now he cannot call me again. Hahaha!" I look at the ashes (Den Den Mushi) with satisfaction while Tra-guy just looks at me sweat dropped.

King PoV

Why did she hang up my call? I tried to call her again but this time the Den Den Mushi cannot connect to her number.

Did something happen to her? But her Vivre card is fine.

Or is she trying to hide something from me? If that's the case, I will figure it out myself.

The next week

Aruna PoV

"Tra-guy, I go to the beach where we arrive on our first day."

"Why, you canno- wait!!"

Before he stopped me from going out, I had already flown away. I had reached my limit, I want to go out now. When I arrived at the beach, I saw Sunny was there.

"That's Sunny! That means Luffy is here!" I quickly searched around the area and found a group of people fighting with someone.

"That must be Luffy." I fly towards the group, "LUFFY!" I shouted his name to get his attention and finally, he noticed me, "ARUNA!"

I landed in front of him and hugged him, "It's such a long time since I didn't see you!"

"Yeah me too, but can you let me go first? I cannot breathe."

"Ops sorry. Where are the rest?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure they are fine."

"And what's this behind you?" I pointed at the animals behind Luffy.

But our conversation was interrupted, "Don't ignore us! We gonna capture you for illegally entering the country!" One of them said.

"Gosh, they are the Beast Pirates. I just noticed the symbol," I said to Luffy. One of them ordered the animal behind Luffy to take him down, I burst out my Conquerer Haki to knock him out.

There is another little girl, she told us her name is Tama. She then pulls something from her face and feeds it to the baboon, and it is tamed by Tama. "Is that your devil fruit?" I asked the little girl.

"Yes! Whoever eats my Kibi Dango will listen to me!" She explained.

"Woah! That's an amazing devil fruit!"

I turned around to face Luffy, and said, "Now Luffy, we had to hide Sunny first."

"I know a place!" Tama helped us dock the Sunny in a hidden cave. Then she took us to her place and made a meal for Luffy, "Onee-chan, do you want some?" Tama handed me a bowl of rice.

"No thanks. I'm full already. By the way, my name is Aruna." She then gave the rice to Luffy to eat.

Tama went out herself and we were suddenly confronted by an old man who was wearing a Tengu mask, "Are both of you stealing the food?!" He scolded us angrily.

"No! That's not what you thinking!" I tried to explain the situation to the old man until Tama came back and revealed what happened just now.

Out of the blue, Tama fell ill unexpectedly, "What happened to you, Tama!" Her face looks paled and starts sweating, " Don't tell me you drink the water of the river." I asked Tama but she just smiled and said, "I am fine."

"What happened to the river water?" Luffy asked.

"From what we knew, Kaido had built a lot of factories in Wano. The water was all polluted by the toxins. " I explained.

The old man, named Hitetsu said, "Yes. And this place, Amigasa Village had been destroyed by the Shinuchi X Drake a year ago, but Tama decided to continue living here to wait for Portgas D. Ace."

"Ace... but isn't he-" Luffy stopped before I finished, "I want to tell her myself."


Hitetsu continued, "Ace had come four years ago and helped feed everyone. Before he left, he had promised to take Tama along with him next time he came."

Luffy stared at Tama and said, "Tama, Ace has died."

"Eh? You're joking right?" Tama then looked at me, but I confirmed this was true by nodding my head. Maybe due to the shocking news, this caused Tama to faint, "I will take her to the nearest town to get a doctor to treat her." Luffy said to Hitetsu.

Before Luffy leaves, he takes the cursed sword, Nidai Kitetsu from the old man. "You cannot take it!" Hitetsu protests but Luffy ignores him and sets off with Tama. Of course, I came along with him. We ride on Komachigo, Tama's pet, and head to the nearest town.

I stared at the little girl that rested in my arm and said, "She cannot handle Ace's death. Maybe we should keep it a secret."

"But this is the truth. No matter what, Ace is dead. She still had to know the truth after all." Luffy said with a serious face. " Guess you're right."

During the ride, I revealed what had happened in Wano and the information we had gathered here. I can tell that Luffy is pissed about what Kaido did to the country, of course, I also have the same feeling.

We then saw a woman being chased by the Beast Pirates. Before we could help her, the pirates were cut down by someone, " That's Zoro!"

Zoro then came with us together but then we were soon confronted by the Beast Pirates again, "That is Basil Hawkins and his men. He was also one of the Supernova before that but he joined the Beast Pirates for an unknown reason." I explained. We then began battling. I ignite all his men while Zoro and Luffy fight with Hawkins until Zoro manages to cut down the avatar.

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