19. Long fight

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The straw hat captain and the gang encountered a group of zombies that tried to attack them. So the pirates defeated them. The captain asked if anybody saw someone pass through here. The zombies accidentally revealed that they had attacked them before, so the pirate group attacked them once again.

Leaving the graveyard, they also encountered an old man whose shadow was stolen. He mentioned the one who stole the shadow is one of the Warlord, Gecko Moria, shocking the rest.

We also get the information from the old man that Thriller Bark was the world's largest ship.

The conversation below was added by me. They didn't say this in the anime.

Aruna PoV

"I see our group can always attract to the Warlord," Luffy said with a wide grin.

"Oh, so you had met many Warlords before?" I asked.

"Yup. When we were at Baratie the restaurant, we met the world's strongest swordsman, Dracule Mihawk. Zoro had a duel with him. Then we met Crocodile at Alabasta, we also met Robin there and recruited her as our crew. And now is this Gecko Moria."

"Oh, I see."

Then we came inside a mansion and were attacked by another zombie. The fight ended in the short but we also noticed Sanji had gone missing.

On the route, we were attacked by a lot of zombies so we had to keep moving while defending ourselves. However, Luffy has been taken captive by the zombies and is being transported by a chain to the tower. So we ran after him but were blocked by a monkey face with a spider body zombie.

I killed the zombie with my katana but the zombie just kept reviving. The bridge suddenly crashed as I continually launched my attack on the zombie. Robin then revealed her ability to fly although only can fly five seconds, and Franky grabbed the ledge with his right arm.

Suddenly, we heard a weird noise and it was revealed as Brook. I noticed Brook was about to splash something on the spider zombie, so I used my katana to stab it to prevent him from moving. Something was coming out from the spider zombie and he lay defeated.

"The zombies here had a weakness, that's salt. Yohoho." Brook explained.

Third view PoV

While the Lunarians and some rest of the group went to where Moria is, "Woah, what that? That's huge!" The Lunarians pointed at a red giant zombie.

"That is Oars with Luffy shadow."

They encountered a scientist along their way, the doctor said to the scientist, "I will fight you Dr.Hogback. Luffy you should keep going."

They started fighting with Dr.Hogback but we were restrained by a zombie who was a dog with a red and white color ball on its head and another zombie who was using three swords. The two began to fight but Hogback ordered them to kill anyone who got in their way.

'These two look like Zoro and Sanji.' The Lunarians thought.

Aruna PoV

Robin used her devil fruit power to hold Hogback's mouth shut, tricking him into ordering the two fighting zombies to jump off the building.

"You had failed as a doctor!" Chopper said to him angrily.

"I was a doctor just because of wealth. I proposed to Cindy in her lifetime but she refused, and after some time she died. Then I was approached by Gecko Moria and joined his crew to bring back someone alive although with a different person shadow." Dr.Hogback replied and commanded Cindy to attack us.

"What would your family think if they knew about this?" Chopper said to Cindy while dodging her attack. Hogback used this time to flee from us so I flew after him.

I caught him on his throat and dropped him from the height. At the same time, Oars was also there to capture all of us. I held him within the rock, and he started struggling and ordered, "Cindy come to free me! You're only positive feature is because of your face!"

"Even though you're about to die, you still insult her when you also want her to rescue you at the same time." Oars were coming closer and he yelled angrily at me, "If you don't let me go, you will also crushed by the giant!"

"Don't worry. I'm strong."

When Oars almost stepped on us, I let go of my flame at the back and flew away from the place. Leaving only Hogback stepped by the giant.

Third view PoV

The rest of the crew get back and ready to fight Oars again.

"We should send him flying." The swordsman said. Then the cyborg decided to use Tactics Fifteen which was just them combined. Only the Lunarians and the archaeologist stand beside them watching embarrassment.

"Robin! Aruna! What are you two doing? Come here, let's do the Tactics Fifteen!" The group yelled at the two women.

"No way. It's embarrassing as a human being." The raven-haired woman said and the Lunarians nodded her head agreeing with her. The group was shocked.

"It's embarrassing as a human being," Robin said again. The Lunarians nodded her head again.

"She said it twice!" The docking group felt shocked again.

"As a Lunarians, I also find it embarrassing."

"Eh, so you can't do it?!" The Oars said disappointed and sent the group flying. Then the group launched their attack again on the Oars and his horn was stuck in the ground. The group took this chance and launched another strong attack on him.

And the dawn is slowly approaching.

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