13. Enies Lobby

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Aruna pov

We almost arrived at Enies Lobby. So I went out from the train and flew beside it. I preferred to fly than walk, also the space on the train was just too small for me.

Third view PoV

The little girl named Chimney speaks through the speaker, "Guys, seems like there's a modification to our plan. Samurai-san is telling you to firmly hold onto something in the car."

"Hold onto something in the car? Why?" The group questioned.

"What's wrong moss head?" Sanji popped out his head from the window and asked the swordsman.

"The main gate was closed."

"What did you say!!!" Nami and the timid gang started panicking, "This is bad, we are gonna get crushed."

"What do we do?" The ship doctor keeps repeating the same sentence with scared.

"We can't dodge it! We will get killed!" The navigator said with tears flowing down from her eyes.

"It's unnecessary to worry. There is a way." Zoro stood up from his seat and said to the group.

"As expected of Zoro!" The group calmed down and looked at Zoro with admiration.

Zoro slowly lifted his finger, pointed at the main gate, and ordered the frog named Yokozuna, "Break that down, frog." The group was shocked with jaw dropped.

"What you guys expected something from him?" The Lunarians asked the group. "I think maybe I just cut the gate and broke into it." She said while her hands were on her katana.

"Hey Nami, which one do you prefer?" Sogeking asked.

"Haha, both ways will just lead to death soon."

"Haha, you're right." And they hugged each other and tears. "What's wrong with them?" The Lunarians swear dropped and turned to Zoro saying, "But I guess your way is more fun. So let's carry out your method." The swordsman smirked and the frog ready his pose and pushed the gate down. This causes the train to fly.

"Woohoo! This is fun!" The Lunarians said excitedly but the group inside the train just panicked.

"But Zoro, had you thought about how we landed down?" The Lunarians asked.

"Leave it...". "To luck." He said, even the frog behind him also terrified.

Aruna PoV

When we were inside the Enies Lobby, a thousand marine soldiers started to attack us. So we launched our attack while going closer to the Gate Of Justice, the door which is the only thing standing between Robin and Franky and their respective destinations, marine headquarters and impel down.

Then I saw Luffy arrive on the courthouse roof and meet one of the CP9 agents known as Blueno. Luffy also revealed his new ability, Gear 2, and defeated the agent. 'That's incredible!' I gasped surprised. Franky then used his Coup De Boo to free himself from being chained and wants to take Robin with him.

"Robin! I will come for you!" Luffy yelled at her.

"Why didn't you understand? I don't want to be saved! I just wanted to die!"

Finally, the rest of the group caught up with us. We stand, except me flying on the courthouse roof, and heard her explain, "I have been betrayed so many times in the past, I'm terrified that one day you will see me as a burden, and also betray me." And she screamed her last part, "So I prefer to die!"

The person beside Robin burst out laughing, "You're accurate!"

'I think I need to cut his throat.' I thought to myself.

The laughing man then pointed at the flag on top of the Tower of Justice and said, "Did you know that the organization that chased after this woman is over 170 affiliated nations!"

"Sogeking, shoot down that flag," Luffy ordered.

"Roger that." He complied, utilizing his weapon and launching a fiery missile at the flag, I light my flames along with his attack, setting the flag ablaze, shocking the marines, and the CP agents including Robin. We had declared war against the war government.

"Straw hat are you crazy!" The leader yelled at Luffy but Luffy ignored him and bellowed, "Robin! Say you want to live!"

Her eyes started to fill with tears and replied, "I want to live! Take me out with you to the sea!"

At the same time, the drawbridge between the courthouse and the Tower of Justice slowly lowered down. I can see the CP leader is terrified. And a mortar canon was fired to stop the drawbridge. Before the CP leader dragged Robin and headed to the Gate of Justice, Franky stopped him.

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