32. We Are Kidnappers?!

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The Sea Kings start to gather around Sunny. A Fishman who was wearing a hat and had orange hair approached us, "I'm Hammond, from New Fishman Pirate. I have known you guys for long as you're the one who crushed Arlong's ambition. But I also knew you had protected Hatchan and harmed one of the World Noble."

"Join us or die." He then gives us two choices. But of course, we declined it. Franky activated the Coup De Burst to make it to Fishman Island, but this caused the coating bubble to wear off, and we separated again due to the current.

Aruna PoV

When I open my eyes, I don't recognize the place but I know it is somewhere else on Fishman Island. Later I hear a groan coming beside me, it is Zoro.

"That's hurt. Oh Aruna you're also here." He said massaging his head while standing up from the ground.

"I don't know. Seems like the rest are not here around."

"Then let's search for them."

"Wait! Before we go, I need you to hold my hand to make sure you don't get lost." I stopped him before he walked around by himself.

"What?! I don't need a woman to hold my hand like this. I can walk myself!"

When we were still arguing, a group of fishman army approached us. "Do both of you from one of the Straw Hat Pirates?" We nodded our heads.

"That's great! Our King, Neptune wants to invite you all to the Ryugu Palace because you had saved her daughter's pet."

"Pet? Oh is that a shark wearing a shirt?" I asked. "Yes." The fishman answered. So both Zoro and I followed the army to the Ryugu Palace. When we arrived at the palace, Zoro ordered the sake at once. I only have some food for myself.

"We had also searched the rest of your group, you can eat here while waiting for them." The Fishman just now said. "Okay." After some time, Luffy and the rest still haven't come, "Aren't they a bit slow?"

"Don't worry, they always slow." He said while sipping his sake.

Suddenly, the Fishman army came to us again, "We received the order to capture the Straw Hat Pirate. So both of you had to come with us!"

"What?! But we didn't do anything!"

"Some mermaids have disappeared since the Straw Hat Pirate arrived at the island. Madame Shyarly, saw a vision of the Straw Hats destroying the Fishman Island. According to this, we suspect you guys had done this."

"Just because of some boring vision so you believe we're the kidnappers?! We have stayed at the palace since our arrival and you are the one who brought us here! Are you guys idiots?" I said angrily to them. But seems they ignored it and readied to attack us.


"Yea, I know. Dammit, I still want to drink more sake." He said while taking out his swords. Both of us start attacking the Fishman army. After we cleared a way out, I asked Zoro, "Do you think they also captured the rest of the group?"

"Although I think Luffy can handle it, let's go find them first." We started to wander around the palace to look for the rest of the group. Then we saw a giant mermaid I believe King Neptune, was going to attack Usopp, Nami, and Brook. Zoro and I dashed in front to block the attack.

"Zoro! Aruna!"

"Sorry we are late, had some hinders on our way here." I apologized to them. After Zoro defeated most of them, we chained King Neptune along with his ministers and armies, "I think we will gonna leave a bad impression on them after doing this." I said.

"After all they are the ones who attacked us out of the blue. Now what we're gonna do? And we still didn't find Luffy, where does he go?" Usopp said.

"I suggest we just grab Sunny and flee," Zoro said.

"That's impossible. The coating bubble was broken when we arrived." Usopp explained.

"The log pose is also going haywire and cannot lock on anything," Nami said looking at the log pose on her wrist.

"Are you an idiot? Of course, you can't. You're going to New World." One of the ministers mocked Nami.

"What do you mean?" Nami asked him. "If you untied me, then I will tell you." Suddenly the doorbell of the palace rings, which means the princes have returned. Zoro then grabbed the Den Den Mushi and said, "We have the hostages, if you want their freedom, find the rest of our group and help us coat our ship and we will leave peacefully."

The prince agrees with our statement and tells us a message from Jinbe, the one who saved Luffy's life, he says 'Do not fight Hody, I will be waiting in the Sea Forest.'

A sound was heard all of a sudden, King Neptune asked us to go to check for the princess, Shirahoshi.

"Why we should do this for you?" Zoro asked.

"If my daughter is harmed while I'm incapacitated, I will chase you Straw Hats to the ends of the ocean." He responded angrily. Brook quickly went to her location with one of the ministers. Zoro started to argue with the minister about his methods of dealing with the intruders.

"I believe Straw Hat had kidnapped Shirahoshi and hid her inside Megalo's mouth." King Neptune said, making all the guards laugh at it. But for me, I think maybe this is something Luffy will do.

"We wouldn't try something like this," Nami said. But King Neptune refused to let us leave until the princess returned safely.

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