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The little team of four was relatively perfect.

As perfect as it could get when made up of a handful of high schoolers who had yet to realize the true capabilities of their respective quirks.

Regardless, you all had your strengths which could cover one another's weaknesses. While you, Yanagi, and Kodai hadn't been actively considering that, Tokage had from the moment the second event was announced.

You excelled in physical capability, if the crazy jumps you'd accomplished weren't proof of that, Tokage didn't know what was. However, you had a short temper and preferred to keep your blood in your body for as long as you could.

Kodai also possessed great physical capability, nowhere near insane as you, but she could outpace you when you weren't using your quirk. However, where you hesitated to utilize your quirk to your advantage beyond boosting your power, Kodai had a few tricks up her sleeve.

Yanagi wasn't nearly as level headed as Kodai or as much of a gorilla as you, but her quirk made her perfect for long distance defense and offense so long as she was given appropriate support.

And Tokage, the mastermind behind this operation. A wonderful mix of all, thanks to the teachings of the almighty Saihara Yukiya.

"Tokage, we're cornered." you announced as you stood at the edge of the arena for the event, eyeing the other teams warily as most of them charged you and your team.

Monoma, Kaibara, Tsuburaba, and Kuroiro kept their distance and opted to snatch headbands away from teams who weren't quite paying attention. A smart move.

Rin was also keeping his distance with his team, though both you and Tokage found that blank look on his face a little unsettling. Same with the rest of the "horses".

And then you had the crazy freaks from 1-A after you.
Todoroki, Bakugo... ah man, where was that one normal kid who'd come in third place, eh?

'Observe, Saihara-senpai. My tactical genius!'

Tokage ripped off the 10 million point headband and flung it into the air, "Yanagi-chan, do it now!"

"On it!" Yanagi wiggled her arm out of your grip and a pink aura surrounded the headband. It floated midair, soaring over the heads of the other teams who gawked up at it and changed directions to follow it like a bunch of mindless... things.

"Well would you look at that! Team Tokage discards their ten million points and- what's this?!!!!"

The headband zoomed all the way across the arena to an unsuspecting Midoriya with his own team. He spotted it heading this way and his eyes widened with disbelief as the headband forced itself over his head and around his neck instead.

"Wh...What?!" the boy demanded before looking up at the other teams who were staring him, Uraraka, Tokoyami, and Hatsume down like hawks, "Oh."

He caught your gaze from across the arena and you shrugged, getting your teammates back down and getting everyone situated before you hurried off.

'Wait, that's the girl who-!'

"The... the ten million points floated over to Team Midoriya? What a shocking turn of events! A seemingly selfless gift with devastating consequences!"

"Does he ever shut up?" you wondered aloud before glancing back up at the girl seated on your shoulders, "Ugh, anyways... what's the plan now, Tokage?"

"A little birdie told me that the top eight teams make it through. As long as we stay within that range, we'll be just fine!" Tokage chimed as Yanagi gave her a wary look.

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