The sleepover pt6

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Matt's mom picked Jacob back up again and set him on the ground, his diaper crinkling a little bit as she did "alright you're free though when you get downstairs could you tell Matt to come back up? I think I need to have a little talk with"

Jacob at that point just nodded a little bit worried, not wanting to anger Matt's mom, definitely not wanting her to tell his mom that he wore and actually pooped in a baby diaper, even if it was only because of his mom's stupid rules

Jacob started heading down the stairs again just thankful the change was over and that he wouldn't have a stinky messy diaper from pooping in it in the middle of the night, still didn't change that he kinda felt bad for Matt not knowing what his mom had in store for him. 'Then again him wanting to wear diapers again is the reason I'm in this stupid thing and had to poop my stupid pants' he thought to himself

Jacob made it down the stairs and with his butt crinkling in Matt's diapers underneath his shorts he walked in to the living room and he couldn't hold back a slight grin as he said "hey Matt, ummm your mom told me that when I come down to send you on on"

"W...why what's wrong?" He had asked but clearly know something was up given the face that he was making. "Well she just said that she wanted to have a little chat with you" Jacob replied as he went and sat down next to his friend, still smiling

Jacob heard just a little bit of talking at first but then he heard the click of the front door and in came walking Matt's dad carrying a bag with pull-ups in his hand. "Oh hey jakie" Jacob hated that "how ya doing big guy? Heard you had a little accident" he didn't wait for an answer as he started putting stuff away and kept talking

"Ahhh yeh I remember when I was your age, then again I was still making a mess and pooping in a diaper but" and that was when the noise from upstairs started to get louder with a very firm voice, not exactly yelling but clearly Matt was getting taught a lesson "awww boy again? I better get up there" Matt's dad said before putting everything down on the table and rushing upstairs, there was some more loud talking but a couple of moments later in to the room came walking Matt in a pullup and nothing but a pullup

It took all his night to not gleam ear to ear upon seeing his friend in nothing then a pullup, would've been better if it was a diaper but still, after him wishing to wear diapers again he was getting his wish and getting treated like a baby

"Mom and dad were mad because they thought I was over with having accidents so they said I can't wear shirt or pants around the house for a week" he said a bit disappointed "but isn't that what you wanted? Then to baby you again?" Jacob asked still holding back a slight grin

"We...well I said I wanted to get to wear diapers again not that I wanted to be in them 24/7 or that I wanted to be wearing nothing but a diaper!" He said very emphatically "and then I'm not even wearing a diaper am I? Mom still felt that 'I'm a big boy and I don't need diapers' pfff" 'wait so what does his mom think of me then?' Jacob wondered to himself

Matt walked in to the living room and sat next to Jacob "and what's worse is she said I can't use the potty any more for the rest of the night because she thinks I did it on purpose" " did" Jacob responded in a matter of fact tone which Matt didn't enjoy especially because it was reasonable

A couple of moments later there were some more doors opening and closing but finally Matt's mom had started to come down the stairs again. Jacob was just watching tv and Matt was partially as well but he clearly felt awkward with just his pullup on

She ignored the two of them and instead started putting some of the stuff away that Matt's dad came in with right up until she got to the pull-ups, opening the package she said "don't worry Jacob for each pullup my son uses I'll be sure to give one back to your mom"

She finished putting away a couple of things before taking the rest of the pull-ups upstairs "I'll just take these with me in case you need a change Matt, I'll be back down in a bit when it's time for your guys bed time okay" they both nodded as she went upstairs

For around thirty or so minutes they were able to watch tv again in peace just the two of them but as it was getting to be around 9 Matt's mom finally came down saying "alright it's bed time for the two babies" "mommmmm" Matt whined "don't mom me" she replied shutting him down okay stand up the two of you

Both of them did what she said without argument. She first knelt down in front of Matt and looked at his pull-ups "hmm well at least your all dry this time then again it's not like it was that long before I last changed you so I guess" she had started to say before she knelt down in front of Jacob

He wanted to protest but before he could he pulled his shorts so he was in nothing but a diaper, in front of Matt no less and she touched it to check if he was wet too "hmmm a little bit wet but it's not too bad" 'wait what did she say' he thought to himself as he looked down and couldn't believe it, he had an accident without even realizing it

"well it's not wet enough that I need to change you right now" she said as she pulled his shorts back up for him "alright you two it's time for bed" they then went upstairs and got in to their respective beds, Matt's mom tucking both of them in and fixing the sheets she felt were too loose on Jacob's blow up.

After she left the room the two boys were snug in their beds talking for a little. Neither one could say for certain who fell asleep first but soon both of them were sound asleep in their damp diaper and pullup. As he drifted asleep even if the night was a lot to take Jacob realized that maybe he shouldn't be as afraid of sleep overs as he was

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