The sleepover pt3

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Jacob couldn't believe what he just heard. When he asked Matt's mom how he was supposed to go to the bathroom without messing up the tapes she simply told him that he should just use the diaper like a baby would. He didn't know that would be apart of the deal. At least pull-ups he was able to pull them down and back up again if he woke up during the night. But he wasn't even going to bed yet.

Sure he sometimes had the occasional accident but it was never that bad. Now he was being expected to going in a baby diaper? Just because his friend wanted to be in diapers again. Jacob couldn't get over it so easily

"What do you mean? I use the toilet I don't want to have to be using this thing just because for no reason" Jacob said in protest

"It's not just for no reason young man, those tapes aren't meant to keep on getting done and undone they won't hold up if you do that. It's not that big of a deal. Matt wasn't allowed to use the bathroom either while he was still wearing diapers" 'he never mentioned that' Jacob thought to himself, he was going to have to have a chat with Matt

"Besides. This way you're nice and protected come bed time. Would hate to have you only wearing two simple pull-ups and then leaking through them" Matt's mom said with an understanding but condescending almost baby talk tone

"I don't need to use a diaper" Jacob said adamantly. "Sure sure of course sweetie I know you don't need them during the day" she said clearly trying to take on a softer tone "and if that's the case then I'm sure you'll be just fine until Mattie and you go to bed right? You're a big man and won't need and changes unlike Matt when he was 4"

That made Jacob a question himself a little bit. What exactly was she thinking was she being truthful with him or not. He couldn't tell. "F...fine y...yeh I guess I'll be okay" that caused her to rub his head gently saying "that's great buddy, now go back down and join Mattie. I'm sure he's getting bored all by himself.

As Jacob walked back down the stairs he couldn't help but feel a little bit more embarrassed then before. Now not only was he in protection but he was in diapers not just pull-ups. Even if they were larger diapers for kids their age he didn't care, it was still really embarrassing.

When Jacob came back down he couldn't help but feel a little self conscious about the slightly cringing sound his butt was making as he walked. Matt seemed to shoot up with excitement as Jacob came around from the entry way corner. "So how do the feel? When can we tell my mom about em helping you? Which is more comfortable" his friend blasted off a list of questions that actually caused jacob to think a little

Matt did actually have somewhat of a point. Even though it was just one diaper and not two pull-ups the diaper was far more comfier, more soft, just all around better than the pull-ups, not that he was going to admit that easily. The second question however reminded Jacob of why exactly his friend had pushed for this so hard

"You didn't tell me your mom wouldn't let me use the bathroom so long as I had these things on!" He said a bit angry with Matt. Matt for his part said "wait, you can use the bathroom whenever you want even though you wear pull-ups during the day" with an almost confused question long tone

"I go to school don't Iiiiii" Jacob said raising his voice a little. That caused Matt to actually get a little bit more quiet "w...well yeh but then you're not in your home, when I was home my mom always just made me use what I was wearing" Matt said feeling like he was being judged

"Hmpftt, fine" Jacob huffed and puffed "go wear your pullup since you want to so much" Jacob said as Matt started looking around "uh, where is it?" He asked causing Jacob to look himself "oh, guess your mom still has it" he responded trying to hold back a smile

"F...fine but you're going to say it's so you don't feel alone that was the deal"

That caused Jacob to sigh but he couldn't help it. Together they went upstairs and Matt nudged Jacob, getting him to say that he felt kinda awkward in the diaper, which to be fair was entirely true, and that it would help him feel more comfortable knowing his friend was in a similar cloth "especially if he had to abide by the same rules that I have too" Jacob added on at the very end although Matt never told him to say it

"'re both the same age. I really shouldn't treat you differently I suppose so I guess that's a good point Jacob" she said giving him another annoying pat on the back of his head. Jacob thought he was being sneaky and messing with Matt but he didn't think things through. Matt's mother telling hi. He had to use a "diaper" and not the bathroom so Jacob could feel better was an even better feeling than getting to be in the diaper again in the first place.

"If you could just wait downstairs" she then said as she nudged him out of the room. He could last see Will being picked up with the biggest smile on his face as he was. As the door closed he realized. He kind of needed to go to the bathroom. And not the normal kind. Now would likely be his best chance to get to be able to use the bathroom without Matt's mom figuring out. But could he slide down the diaper easily enough? Could he go quick enough? What if he was caught?

Jacob simply crossed his legs. Maybe if he could wait til he'd time and managed to fall asleep he wouldn't have to go and poop in his diaper. He had no clue what type of punishment Matt's mom would have for him if he was caught and he didn't want to risk it. He is just went downstairs and started watching tv. Matt came down a couple of minutes later. He was already smiling.

"What is it?" Jacob asked, was he really that happy to be back in a pullup? Or since he only ever wore diapers was he that happy to be back in some protection?

That was when he quickly pulled down his shorts, showing Jacob his wet pullup "I was able to go right away as I was walking downstairs. I was never able to force it when I was just wearing my undies but with one of your toddler undies on I was" Jacob said clearly excited. Though he wasn't happy with his protection being called toddler undies.

Matt seemed to pick up on what he said wrong and quickly started "not in a bad way, they're actually really really nice, not as comfy as your diapers but..." "a...and I just wet myself on purpose, I'm im not judging Jacob I swears it, pinkie swears" he said sticking out his pinkie which Jacob begrudgingly accepted

"Ah...sooooo...did you use it yet?" "What? No!" Jacob said a bit offended "well, I mean, if you did then that way you'd be in a fresh one before bed and you'd be less likely to wake up with an accident"

'Wait? Did Matt actually have a point?'

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