Back From School

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Jacob had just gotten dropped off at the bus station and he started walking home from school. A couple of other kids got off with him but he quickly walked away from them and across the street towards his home, hoping the entire time that none of them would hear the squishy sounds is soaked pullup was making as he walked.

He was thankful thank pull-ups we're relatively quite when he was dry but when he accidentally had an accident during 8th period he didn't have anytime to get to his next class to change and so he had been sitting in his wet pullup for a little under an hour at this point. He kept walking looking to make it to his house as quickly as possible as Matt, one of his friends, came running up behind him.

"Hey man where you going runnning off so fast? I didn't get a chance to say goodbye" Matt said putting an arm around Jacob for a moment before pulling away patting his shoulder gently

This wasn't the first time that Jacob had an accident during school but at the same time, even if Matt was his closest friend he felt increasingly embarrassed and just wanted to get home and out of his now soaked and cold pullup. "Hey would you want to come and sleepover at my house tomorrow?" Matt asked as they kept walking together

Jacob knew that Matt's house was in the same general direction as his own so he couldn't get out of the conversation by going down a different street and with each step he got more and more worried that Matt would hear the wet crinkle of his pullup as he walked home.

"I...uhhh...I...I don't know Matt" Jacob said a big nervous as he tried to think of an excuse "commeeee onnnn, whenever I suggest we have a sleepover you always say no" Matt said sounding a little bit more whiney than usual

"I can't help it, it's just really hard to convince my parents to let me sleep over" Jacob said as they kept walking together, by now he started walking quicker as he felt a little bit of an urge to pee and he definitely didn't want to do that in front of Matt. Seeing the intersection where the paths to their houses diverged Jacob walked a little bit more quickly saying goodbye to Matt, though he seemed a little bit upset.

As Jacob finally got home and rushed in to the door he right away went to the downstairs bathroom only to find it locked "oh sorry honey, Valen just had an accident I need to change him" he could hear his mom from the other side of the door. So he quickly started running upstairs rushing in to the upstairs hallway bathroom he sat down on the toilet and started to pee.

Jacob let out a sigh of relief before realizing that his butt was starting to feel heavier. That's when he realized he forget in his rush to the bathroom to pull down his pullup and he was peeing right in to it. Not that he cared at the moment, he was just happy to have gotten to the "bathroom" on time as he relieved  himself, thinking about how he'd handle Matt's request for a sleep over at his house.

Jacob started to look down at his pullup just to see that the entire thing was wet. All the fading symbols that let you know when there was an accident we're already gone after his accident during 8th period. But that didn't stop his diaper from getting even more yellowed and filled looking with him having yet another accident. Now though it was even worse. The entire diaper was just soaking wet and he couldn't help but feel a little bit embarrassed.

How was he going to have a sleepover with Matt if he was still having nightly accidents? Not to mention the occasional day time accident. He of course probably could trust Matt with his secret but still, he never told anyone and he didn't really want to tell either.

But he had been sitting on the toilet for too long and it was time he got up and changed out of his wet pull-up. Jacob got up and off the toilet, noticing just how much his diaper was sagging. He pulled his shorts up over his pullup and joked that he could make it to his room without his mom noticing. The last thing he wanted was for her to try to use him having a daytime accident as an excuse to try to diaper him again like she occasionally suggested.

He wasn't a baby and no matter how much his mother made comments suggesting it might be for the best Jacob did not want to be put in to diapers again, even if they could store more of his accidents then pull-ups could.

He cautiously opened ip the door and looked both ways. Seeing and hearing nothing Jacob made the bet that his mom was downstairs with Valen still, either changing his baby brother or playing with him in the living room. He quickly rushed out of the bathroom down the hall to his room closing and locking the door behind him. He breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Jacob went over to the trash can and started to slip his wet pullup off. It was only then that he realized just how heavy the thing actually was, he was happy to get it off. He now standing naked went over to his dresser. Where most boys his age would have underwear Jacob didn't. "If you are just going to have accidents all the time what's the point in my buying you underwear, you're just going to wet them anyway" his mom had always told him.

No, instead he opened up the dresser that was, as usual, filled with pull-ups of various styles colors, you name it. Even a couple of princess themed pull-ups his mom had insisted on buying because they would just look so cute on him. Jacob pulled out a monsters incorporated pullup and slipped it on before slipping his shorts on over top.

'Now what about Matt' he thought to himself. 'There's be no way he was going to be able to hide his little secret if they had a sleepover but at the same time he couldn't just keep on delaying and putting off sleepovers. He didn't want to make Matt mad or anything. Jacob opened up his bed room door and started walking downstairs planning to talk to his mom about it and try to work something out so he could keep his little secret. But as he opened the door he could hear his mom talking on the phone, he started walking downstairs to see what was going on.

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