The Sleepover pt4

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Jacob wasn't quite sure what to do, he was over at his best friends house and he was waiting downstairs after Matt's mom diapered him in one of Matt's stupid baby diapers. Not only that but he was also being told that he had to use them for the rest of the night and didn't have any other choice! He couldn't believe it. And not only did he have to poop but in that short time it had taken for Matt to get put in one of the pullups he brought and walk downstairs his friend had already used it and was now trying to get Jacob to use his diaper too.

"You know, it seems like you're just trying to mess with me making me wear these stupid diapers and encouraging me to use them like you, I wish we could trade places I don't want to be wetting myself" Jacob said with a bit of passion that caught Matt off guard at first. "B...but we still have an hour or two before we go to bed right" "Well, maybe four, once we're in my room mom won't care" Matt corrected

"Finnneeee. two to four hours, if I go to the bathroom now then your mom is just going to have to change me again later" Jacob said as Matt still stood in front of him with his shorts still down around his waist as he looked at the wet pullup clearly happy with himself. "Hehe" he giggled at first "Well I can see why you're so worried, these don't fit nearly as well and and aren't as nearly soft an absorbent as my diapers were" "They fit me just fine, and they last throughout the night for me too" Jacob said finding himself a little bit confused as to why he was defending the pullups he disliked so much.

"Well in that thing you can wet it at least three four times before you'll be too wet and my mom will need to change you" Matt said with a relaxed smile as his hands started to press against the pullup, playing with it a little, drawing it to the attention of Jacob that the fade when wet design was already wet and already faded. "Wait, how did you soak that thing so much? A...and its not that type of bathroom I need" Jacob said a little bit embarrassed

"Ohhhhhhhh" Matt said with one of the biggest smiles imaginable on his face, well, if you need to do that then there's no reason for you to not do it now, I have plenty of left over diapers, besides, I'd rather you not do that during the night and stink up my room" Matt said with a raised eyebrow "And" He said as he started fixing his shorts and sitting down next to Matt wiggling and letting out an oddly happy sound as he did "how many more pullups do you have?"

"They're not for you" Jacob said annoyed at that suggestion, and he was super annoyed at the question too. "Well my dad is probably on the way back right now" Matt said as he pulled out his phone beginning to look at it "it says its only a little after 8 so we got at least an hour before bed time" "So what?" Jacob asked confused, his mom only gave him a few goodnights and he wanted to make sure that he'd still have one for the morning, he had no intention of going back to his parents in goodnights and told Matt exactly that

"I need at least one leftover for tomorrow morning and if I run out or don't have any to get my mom will have to come get me" Jacob said trying to find more reasons to not give up his pullups, the moment he woke up he wanted out of these stupid diapers even if they were comfier and according to Matt they held more, though personally Jacob doubted that.

Matt gave Jacob a shove on the arm "I know you're wearing a diaper but that doesn't mean you have to be a big baby" Now that made Jacob mad, something Matt recognized and quickly backed off from "All I mean is my daddy is coming home so I can just text him and say you're sleeping over and some extra pullups are needed that way you can stay over here longer in the morning too" Jacob looked a little skeptical but I guess it wouldn't be that bad. Matt already knew his secret, he already wet himself too while Jacob didn't. Granted Matt did it on purpose and Jacob never could stop his night time and rarely could stop his daytime accidents.

"Though I doubt you'll need them, mom will probably just make you wear diapers in the morning too" Matt said purposefully under his breath so Jacob wouldn't hear.

"Welllll, I guess that does somewhat make sense. It would be nice to not have to leave right away" "Alright sweet I'll text him" Matt said getting right to work with his fingers though given the amount and how fast Matt was typing it appeared like there was a little bit more of a conversation than a simple my friend is over and needs pullups.

Jacob sat next to Matt while this happened his attention turning to the tv while he waited, if they had to be in bed in an hour and a half watching matt text on the phone wasn't exactly how he wanted to spend the night but finally with a loud sigh of relief finally coming from Matt he said "My dad said no problem" though clearly there was a little bit more to it that Matt didn't feel like saying but Jacob didn't want to pry

"Sooooooo, did you go number two yet?" Matt followed up with a cheeky smile on his face "What! No, I told you it was number two because I didn't want to mess myself, my mom never makes me use my pullups if I could make it on time" Jacob said defensively "Hey it's not a big deal" Matt said in a relaxed tone "Those tapes are hard to get done right if you pull them on and off all the time, my mom always made me use my diapers when I was still wearing them"

"Well not everyone can go in their pants as easily as you" Jacob said crossing his arms looking at Matt. "You say that but you're the one that still has accidents" Matt responded with a teasing smile clearly thinking he was being fun, if not a little too on the nose. "Besides, I need you to go that way my mom will change me in to a new pullup, though these are pretty fun to wear wet" he said smiling as he stood up shaking his butt. 'he really must have wet it badly' Jacob thought as Matt danced and shook his bottom, it was practically impossible to notice the wet, crinkling and sagging mark of his pullups underneath his shorts.

"Can't you just show her and she'll change you?" Jacob asked to which Matt shook his head "Mom and dad made me stop wearing the diapers all that time ago because they thought I didn't need them and I was just using them on purpose" 'You don't and you were' Jacob thought "If I tell her that I wet my pullup she'll just think the same thing again but if both of us did then she might think it was the snacks and soda or I could tell her I did it cause you were embarrassed" 'And that's why' Jacob thought, though he did suppose going before bed would be better than pooping his pants in the middle of the night.

As he stood up Jacob was a little bit nervous, he had always just used his pullups to control his accidents he wasn't like Matt missing the days of wearing diapers, getting changed by his mom, getting babied and tucked in to the crib at night, he was trying to be a big boy and stop having accidents. But then why did he suddenly feel his legs bend as if he was squatting on a toilet?

He felt like he wasn't in control of his own body, he just heard a voice in his head telling him why he needed to squat 'that way you stay dry and not messy during the night, Matt needs me to help him out, its not like I can hold it in forever. He focused as much as he could as matt looked on clearly excited almost as if he was about to cheer, he still couldn't believe he was actually doing it.

It was super super hard at first and he had to concentrate really deeply on that voice in his head, all his memories of when he was young, him just watching tv or playing a game and unwittingly messing himself when he was little.

His eyes darted to the tv and he focused on the cartoon letting out a sigh of relief as he did, feeling several big, thick logs coming out and filling the back of his diaper. He kept focusing as much as he could worried that if he stopped he wouldn't be able to go all the way. Finally he felt the last big warm lumpy log fill his diaper. When he looked down he started to realize the front seemed heavy too, he just realized he wet himself without even trying too.

(Hope you enjoyed the chapter, sorry for the delay. The question remains, just what else will Matt try to rope Jacob in to in his attempt at getting back in diapers? Will Jacob go along with it?)

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