Patience where??(11)

756 14 4

Serenity Shayla Jackson

I was at my house and I put on some white shorts with a pink tight fitted shirt and put my hair in a messy bun. 

"Nessa come on or do you want to ride the bus!" I scream as I jog down our stairs.

" Damn i'm coming an ugly bitch!" She runs catching up to me I look at pops he's here?? 

" Hey pops guess what a race is coming up hoping the fam can come up and watch." I ask hopefully he never comes to my races. 

" I don't think so I have way more important things to do." Okay.... 

"Can you try to come?" I ask with way more hope trying his patience. 


" I already said I have more important things to do, don't be a bitch about it!" He yells at me I roll my bottom lip into my mouth to stop crying. 

"Okay.. sorry pops." He walks into his office. 

"Why were you testing his patience he told you the first time." Ma adds her remarks she is always different around him. 

Nessa thankfully didn't have to be here she was in the car. 

" Okay bye ma." I tell her she doesn't say it back what the fuck? 

I just started putting music on so that I can avoid talking because you know I will emotionally break down.  

We get to school and since she doesn't want her freshman group buddies or shit she runs out. 

" Damn who is she I would shoot my shot." Mez remarks on my sister. 

" No the fuck remez you can't shoot your shot at my sister I would actually kill you." He rolls his eyes. 

"What's up Ronald. Why are you mad quiet today?" I ask Rein. 

"None just stress because of like just stuff." He replies weirdly what does he mean just stuff? 

"Mhmm okay well I gotta catch up with Courtney and Jasmine, tell Jayce that I know that he ain't sick." I walk off after hugging Rein what's up with him?  

" As you should know that we are going to have a football game and we need all the help that we can get to decorate etc, if you want to do that just come up here and sign up." Mr. Fizz said I walked up I gotta be a supportive fiance. 

I walked back to my seat and I Rein was deep in thought I got into my seat and tapped him lightly no answer I did it again finally an answer. 

"Hey what's up." He asked, "Nothing just what's got you looking like that?" I ask because he would've been talking or bugging me. 

"So basically it's not that big but I got a D on that one test in literature." Bruh what the fuck that test was so easy it was basically a get to know you type of thing actually. 

" Wait for the game you need to get a C+ to play or higher." He nods and grips his hair.  

" You could've just told me that i'll come to your house so we can work on it not that big" My big brain girll you is so smart. 

"Thank you so much I fucking love you." He tells me and kisses my forehead. 

I smile widely showing off my dimples.  

" So fucking cute my dimples are so faint look." He smiles widely too I laugh at how wide he is smiling. 


"Okay so what do you love the most?" I ask. 


"Rain be serious okay what is your hobby? 

"You." He smiles and then says sorry countless times after I threaten I would tell Mrs. Darker on him.   

So we spent 2 and a half hours since this boy was being so difficult and his essay was bomb because it was made by me of course. 

I went home and I was really proud but then overthinking kicked in colleges. 

I went down to the beach not that far away from my house and I started sitting next to the sand. 

Wait wait what if I'm not that smart enough for Columbia, Ivy's, Harvard. What if I just don't get in and I don't have the right education for my future job and then Rein will be disappointed and find someone better that can pursue in life why better than I am.   

No Serenity your just overthinking things your smart ass hell you'll be a-okay. 

Aww that's the first thing you said that was actually nice to me. 

No this is you making a lot of hate comments to yourself yes I am here to keep you in line but don't hate on yourself just because you aren't perfect no one is perfect.  

I fucking love you I mean myself so much. 

I walk off to my house and go to my room ready for a productive day and Jayce slick self better be there sick my ass.  



Hey yes the double update is giving and make sure to comment and vote. 

Be sure to enjoy and point out any mistakes I make KINDLY not hateful. 

If you dislike anything you may leave ain't no one keeping you here. 

XOXO, Marry

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