" Turn around," She orders," Take off your clothes."

With eyes glowing and void of consciousness, Marco complies with her commands, stripping himself of his clothes until he's stark naked as the day he was born.

" Call your wife," Petra commands as the phone levitates to him, covered in scarlet energy.

The levitating phone hovers in front of Marco, and with mechanical precision, he dials Carmen's number. Petra watches with an unsettling calmness, her scarlet eyes fixated on the unfolding scene. The phone rings, each tone a reminder of the lies that now crumble around Marco.

Carmen's voice crackles through the speaker, a mix of sleepiness and confusion, "Hello?"

"Tell her everything," Petra orders, her voice cutting through the air like a blade.

Marco, his movements dictated by Petra's will, begins to confess. The truth spills out, an ugly revelation that taints the intimacy of the room. Petra, now the puppet master, orchestrates the unraveling of Marco's carefully constructed facade.

As Marco speaks, Carmen's voice transforms from drowsy confusion to a mixture of shock and betrayal. Petra hears it all, the raw emotions laid bare over the phone line. She doesn't revel in the pain she inflicts, but there's a cold satisfaction in exposing the lies that entangled her.

"I cheated," Marco admits, his voice a hollow echo of his usual charm.

Carmen's response is a cocktail of anger and hurt, her accusations and Marco's feeble attempts at explanations creating a dissonant symphony. Petra, the puppet master of this twisted drama, watches without a flicker of emotion as Marco's world crumbles.

"Make it end," Carmen pleads, her voice breaking.

"Say goodbye," Petra commands, ending the call.

The levitating phone drops to the bed, the scarlet energy fading. Marco stands naked, vulnerable, his secrets laid bare.

"Leave," Petra commands, her scarlet eyes glaring at the man who thought he could play with her emotions.

Marco stumbles out of the room, his facade of charm replaced by a shameful retreat. The scarlet glow lingers in the air, a silent testament to Petra's unleashed fury.

Alone in the moonlit room, Petra contemplates the wreckage of emotions she has left in her wake. The scarlet energy, now a subdued glow, reflects the storm within her. The anger, once a torrent, begins to recede, leaving behind the wreckage of a moment that can never be undone.

As the door closes behind Marco, Petra is left to grapple with the darkness that resides within her, a force that can shape destinies but also unravel the threads of her own humanity. The room, stripped of its secrets, stands witness to the aftermath of a puppet master's dance, and Petra, scarred but unbroken, confronts the shadows that linger in the corners of her soul.

The door closes with a muted thud, shutting out the remnants of the emotional tempest that had unfolded in Petra's suite. As the echoes of Marco's departure fade, Petra stands alone in the moonlit room, a peculiar mixture of vulnerability and strength.

Her scarlet eyes, once aglow with a supernatural intensity, gradually return to their usual state. The room, now bereft of the scarlet energy, is cast in the soft hues of moonlight. The air, heavy with the weight of revealed secrets, seems to exhale.

Petra, feeling a sudden wave of exhaustion, stumbles backward, her hand gripping the edge of a table for support. The emotional toll of the orchestrated revelation, the confrontation of Marco's deceit, and the unleashing of her powers have left her drained.

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