Betrayal 2

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Rita knew something was wrong when Thomas came running in the room with no Thabiso. She kept asking where he was but Thomas ignored her and dragged her to the car. When they got to the car a cloth was put over her face and she blacked out.

She was being taken somewhere and she was not even sure if Thabiso was alive. This whole situation felt like a bad dream. "Help me." She pleaded with Thabiso in the spirit before she blacked out again.

"Ausi Maisie?" Thabiso said over the phone. "So, Thomas took her?" Thabiso replied. "Okay, was she hurt?" Thabiso asked. "Okay. Thank you." Thabiso hung up. Ausi Maisie was in the house when they took Rita. He had to get out of here and find her. His mind was going crazy with "what ifs".

Xolani had brought them to his condo to get Lisa stitches again. She had torn multiple of them while she was all cat woman. "So what now?" Xolani asked Lisa as she put on her shirt. "I need to help Thabiso find Rita. She can clear my name with all the gangs. My father needs to be dealt with. He betrayed me and I can't take over his empire alone but Thabiso can help with his connections." Lisa spoke as if she was just coming up with the plan.

"You are going to help Thabiso?" Xolani said amazed. He was going to kill her just a few minutes ago and now she was on his side. "Yeah and so should you." Lisa said standing. "Why would I do that?" Xolani asked scoffing. "You want to run Jozi? Thabiso is the key. He is the biggest supplier in the Southern Africa. You want the top? Help him get her back and you will get everything you feel your father was owed. Kill him and you lose everything." Lisa said crossing her arms.

"I am already making money." Xolani laughed. "Not the kind of money Thabiso is making. I am taking about generational wealth. You can set up both your brothers for life." Lisa said grinning. Xolani looked at her for a while and shook his head. "I have to go back to my brothers." Xolani said about to leave. "If he doesn't find her or she dies no one will be able to do business in Jozi and you know that. Thabiso will start a full on war and all of us will suffer." Lisa said making too much sense. "Fine." Xolani said walking out.

"Have you tracked her bracelet?" Thabiso said to someone over the phone. He was so happy he gave to her when they landed. He made two one for his mother and the other for Rita. He needed to know that they were safe and the tracker helped.

"Fuck where is he taking her?" Thabiso yelled. He was losing his control and fast. Thomas took Rita and he just signed his death certificate. Every second he had her was the more Thabiso decided on more painful ways to kill him.

"Fuck!" Thabiso cursed feeling like he is about to burst into tears of rage. "I will help you get her back. I got men, guns and all that. I just want a piece of the business. My fathers piece." Xolani said calmly. "I will give you half if we get her back alive." Thabiso said firmly. "Deal." Xolani said smiling. "I need to make some calls." Thabiso said walking off. "Cool make yourself at home partner." Xolani said laughing.

"You got the location." Thabiso said over the phone. He had been calling every few minutes to check their location. His worst nightmare was confirmed when the tracker guy said she is in Botswana "I will send you the exact location in a few minutes". "Thanks." Thabiso said hanging up. He hadn't slept a wink the whole night. The sun was out and he could smell breakfast. He wasn't really hungry but he had to eat to be strong enough to fight. He had to be strong for his Rita. His heart ached for her. Since she met him her life has been hell. "I am so sorry my love." Thabiso said finally letting his tears flow.

She was kept in a small room with blacked out windows. Rita had never felt such fear in her life before. Thomas said something about trading her for the introduction to the distributor. She pleaded with him the whole way when she was conscious, to please let her go but he ignored her. "What happen to Thabiso?" Rita would ask crying. But he would ignore her. Wasn't Thomas and Thabiso family?

She overheard them saying something about landing in Botswana when she was knocked out. If it turns out they are in Botswana Thomas would wish he never took her. Her brothers were mean motherfuckers who would kill for her. All she had to do was make sure they were in Botswana.

"Hello? Hello? I need the loo!" Rita yelled banging on the door. She banged for a while until Thomas showed up. "Pee in the bucket." Thomas said annoyed. "It's number two." Rita said. "Fuck, okay come on." Thomas said taking her down a long corridor. Rita looked outside the big windows to see some signs and to her glee she saw it. She was really in Botswana. "Go fast." Thomas said opening a door to a small toilet stall. "Thank you." Rita said and got in.

The second she was inside the toilet she stood on top of lid and slowly opened the window. She thanked her small frame cause she was able to fit through the window. She wiggled her curves a little and pop she was out.

She didn't care what was on the other side as she jumped down. As soon as her feet hit the ground she was gone. Running as fast as she could. She could see guys running after her but she was not stopping for shit. She tried to flag down a car but they drove off. She went into a small shop and ran to the teller. "Hey! Tell the Mahapa bothers their sister is in danger. I am in Botswana! They won't collect the protection fee if you give them this info. Ritabile needs them! Tell them please." Rita yelled and was about to run out the shop when Thomas walked in and pointed a gun at her.

"I am sorry." She yelled tears streaming out of her eyes. "Take the bitch." Thomas said to his goons who picked Rita up like she was nothing and took her away. She was not as scared anymore cause her brothers would never stop till they found her.

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