Chapter 6

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He looked at Rita sleeping and couldn't even make a move to leave. He felt an unnerving urge to protect her and he hated it. Maybe he will wait until the swelling is completely gone and then leave.

How could a full blown criminal look so good. Rita woke up next to a sleeping Thabiso. Her eyes took the whole night to get back to normal. She was woken up by a heavy arm draped over her waist. She could barely recognise who the man was until she saw the little scar on his chin. He looked so good when he wasn't giving her the evil eye.

"Stop staring at me." Thabiso said with a groggy voice. Rita could feel her cheeks heat up immediately. She had been marvelling at this man's appearance that she didn't even realise he was awake. "What are you doing in my bed?" Rita asked as a defence. "Your eyes were swollen." Thabiso said sitting up on the bed and rubbing his eyes. "Whose fault was that?" Rita asked. "Yours." Thabiso responded flatly. "I sprayed cause your goon scared me, which makes it your fault." Rita said bitterly. "Thomas." Thabiso's smiled and slipped out the blankets.

"Why are you only in you underwear!" Rita yelled "I don't sleep in clothes. You're lucky I wore my underwear." Thabiso said jokingly. "Why? Why would you do that? Why did you even sleep over?!" Rita said dragging her eyes away from his impeccable abs. "If you call the cops or do something to get on my nerves again..." is all Thabiso said accompanied with a warning look. "I promise I won't do anything." Rita said. "Give me the code for the gate." Thabiso said standing fully clothed. Rita was totally unaware that she was not wearing anything either. "Why the fuck did you take my clothes off?! What did you do to me?" Rita yelled gathering the covers to her body. "You took off your own clothes. I didn't touch you. You're not my type, so please send the code." Thabiso said walking out of the room.

When Thabiso got outside he switched on his phone an a bunch of messages come through. Thomas got info about Lisa and he had to go prepare for tonight. His father hand landed and he had to go see him at home. Thabiso hated going home. His mother was there and he hated how she treated his father. "I will call you tonight." Thabiso yelled over his shoulder at Rita.

The last time he went home was over a year ago and after dinner his mother had her drunken rants. She called him a jail baby, the baby who fought the abortion pill and the classic "you're my biggest regret". Thabiso didn't know much about his parents relationship but his father clearly loved his broken mother and Thabiso never wanted that for himself. He wanted to love and be loved but he knew how quickly love could turn to hate.

When he was younger his mother would come to his room and beg him for forgiveness. She would weep and say she regretted introducing him to his father. Which's didn't make sense at all. His father would come get her and put him back to sleep.

The house was located at the top of a hill and gave a beautiful view at night. Growing up the sunset was his favourite time in this house. He got to see the sun kiss the sky before it set. When he was younger his mother would sit and watch with him but that was before the drugs.

"Couldn't we meet at the office." Thabiso said walking into the study. He walked quickly to avoid bumping into his mother and the mission was a success. "No, you haven't been home in a year." Frank said to his son. "Dad, you know why I don't come here." Thabiso said sitting on the sofa. "Don't judge your mother. You don't know what she's been through." Frank said.

"Vincent?" Frank said pointing to a picture on his desk. "Lisa." Is all Thabiso said and his father understood. "War?" Frank said pacing. "They came for me last night." Thabiso said. "I guess war it is." Frank said looking at his son. "I will arrange." Thabiso said standing. "Why don't you eat dinner with us. Your mother is cooking ." Frank said. "No, thanks. See you at the office." Thabiso said and left. Frank knew the relationship between his wife and son was damaged but it hurt him to see how badly. Before Tumi used drugs she was an amazing wife and mother. The powder robber both him and his son.

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