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Rain was pouring down from the heavens as they waited for Oga to arrive. Xolani checked the bandages on Lisa's arm for the third time. She pulled some of the stitches loose and was bleeding again. He was more irritated with her than worried. She was like a relentless child. She kept saying she had to do right by Vincent. No matter what she did the man was dead, nothing would bring him back. "Stop raising your arm. Keep it on your side to stop it from bleeding." Xolani directed. He couldn't help that he had a soft spot for crazy woman.

His mother was a very complicated woman but he would visit her twice a week. She would smile and hug him like a child. They would look at pictures of his brothers and he would keep her updated. Crazy or not she was still his mother and he loved her. He took a deep breath in and looked at the sky. The clouds were so thick and dark. Maybe a bad omen but Xolani reminded himself of what is grandmother use to say. "The rains of bleeding are coming." And this was the season.

Xolani's grandmother always spoke of the rain bringing blessings and he was sure it was her blessing his victory today. There was not way she would let him loose against the son of the man who took her joy.

The underground parking area Xolani picked was perfect. The whole place thundered with what was to come, a bloodbath. The place was secluded from civilization and prying eyes would not be able to see them. Today, he was ending it. Years of pain and tears would come to an end.

He left his brothers sleeping but he was on his phone checking the surveillance cameras. He had dozens installed around the house because of his line of work. He was not taking any chances with his brothers.

He knew that if someone wanted to hurt him, they would aim for his brothers. Mpho had soccer practice today, but Xolani had a heated fight with him about not going last night. After a bit of convincing, he agreed to stay at home today. They were safe and he had to make it out alive for them.

When Lisa woke up she was frantic to the point that  Xolani had to bring her along. The crazy woman thought she could reason with Thabiso. What a joke. She sat biting her nails and speaking incoherently. Practice her conversation with Thabiso. Funny how she wouldn't get a chance. Xolani knew his cousin very well. This was not their first encounter but it was definitely their most deadliest. Xolani was like a thorn in Thabiso's side. He would steal shipments and sell them at a lower price. He did about anything to make Thabiso's life hell.

Thabiso had landed at OR Thambo at dawn and his plan was already in motion. He had made dozens of phone calls to Thomas to get everything ready. His childhood friend sounded a bit hesitant but after speaking some sense into him. He got everything prepared.

Thomas was meeting him at the airport with a bunch of men. He was going into war well prepared this time. His father was laid to rest, and he was ready to fight for him. He had to take back the business and make it as profitable as before. No one would stop him.

"Thomas do we have everything we need?" Thabiso asked arming himself to the teeth. "Yeah, we do and I, informed a few other mento join us." Thomas confirmed. "Is Rita home safe?" Thabiso asked wearing his bulletproof vest. "Yeah she is safe." Thomas replied holding a gun in his hand. They were ready to fight to the death if needed. All he cared about was that Rita was safe at his house.

"Oga are your sure about this? Your uncle thinks we should wait." Thomas said. "Fuck my uncle. Who are you loyal to me or my uncle?" Thabiso asked. He knew there would be a power struggle once his father was gone but he would put his uncle in line. "I am loyal to you." Thomas said patting Thabiso's shoulder.

The drive to the meeting location was hell with the rain. Some roads were completely flooded. Thabiso just wanted to get there and deal with the matter at hand. "Oga, we can't see anyone from here." Said one of the guys who was surveilling the place. "Okay, if anything moves kill it on sight." Thabiso ordered he was not taking any prisoners.

THe car pulled up and parked inside the warehouse. Xolani knew that all of Thabiso's cars were bulletproof so he had to be smart. The willing lamb, Lisa, was sent in first to plead her case while his men would plant a bomb under the car.

He had to get him outside where he could get to him. "I am unarmed." Lisa announced. "A gun peeked out of the passenger seat aimed at her head. "Oga! Please hear me out!" Lisa pleaded. "There is nothing you can say that will save you." Thabiso said. "You can shoot me once you have heard what I have to say." Lisa pleaded again. "Oga, we said no discussions just revenge." Thomas said shooting at Lisa's feet. Lisa didn't even budge. She stood firm and stubbornly.

"You have a rat in your camp! Vincent told me about it. That is why I met him that day. He was going to give me the name of the man who was selling information to my father. I loved Vincent, please hear me out Oga." Lisa yelled. A bullet came from the drivers side and hit her in the leg. She fell to the ground and cried out. Xolani started shootings at the car to get to Lisa but she was in an awkward place.

"Listen, to me for crying out loud!" Lisa yelled from the ground holding her bleeding leg. "Thomas. Who the fuck told you to shoot! Stop!" Thabiso yelled. Before he could look at Thomas the bud of Thomas gun hit him in the head. "You fucken  weak! Like Vincent, your dad and all those fools. Your uncle was right we have to take over if we want to grow and take over the whole of Southern Africa. You didn't have to die today. I needed to meet your suppliers but I will figure it out." Thomas yelled pointing his gun ready to shoot.

Thabiso throw is head back and hit Thomas on the nose and blood filled the car. Thabiso kicked open the door and fall to the ground. He tried reaching for this gun but one of his own men pointed his guns at him. This was it. He was betrayed by his own cousin. Not on a million years would Thabiso had guessed that his enemy was so close. "Say hi to Vincent in hell, Oga." Thomas said and pulled the trigger.

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