Betrayal 1

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The gun jammed and Thabiso got a chance to roll out of the way. Thomas kept fiddling with the gun to get it to shoot but lucky for Thabiso it didn't. He got on his feet and started shooting at his own people who had just turned on him. Thomas had planned everything from the start. The few men who were still on Thabiso's side were shot dead on the spot. It was a hostile take over. Thabiso did not see this coming and from his own cousin.

He knew his uncle would fight him for the top spot but turning Thomas against him. He never thought in a million years Thomas would turn on him. But, here he was fighting against his own blood. His father always emphasised the importance of family turns out he was the only one who cared. Thabiso wished his father was here to guid him. He didn't want to go to war with his uncle. He thought he would want to talk and come to a peaceful conclusion but the greedy bastard wanted everything to himself. While Thabiso was burying his father his uncle colluded with other gangs to dethrone him. He would have to make a decision and soon. Is he going to war or not?

"Thomas once you do this you can't go back!" Thabiso yelled. "I am going to run Jozi!" Thomas yelled back. "Don't let him tear us apart!" Thabiso said. "I am tired of being your ice boy!" Thomas said looking at Thabiso with deadly eyes. "We are partners! I pay you more than anyone else working for me. I gift you with cars, expensive watches and money! Your my brother." Thabiso said trying to reasons with Thomas. "I am not a slay queen! I don't want gifts. I want to be the boss and your in the way Oga." Thomas said.

Lisa was going to just have a chat with Thabiso but she also had her gun on her. She was not about to die like a fool. If Thabiso was not going to listen she would eliminate him. She saw the whole commotion in the car and she was confused at first until Thabiso jumped out of the car with gun in hand. Thomas pulled the trigger and the gun jammed. "Fuck." Lisa mouthed and ran to Thabiso's aid.

She was on his side gun in hand. She was very skilled with shooting but she didn't want to kill Thomas. She wasn't sure what the fight was about. She might just kill him and Thabiso shoots her.

She shot at the front seat where Thabiso just flew out off. Thomas pulled the door shut and reversed the car. The gun battle had began. Shots were being fired at them and Lisa was thanking the heavens they were not hit.

Thabiso grabbed Lisa by the hand and ran for cover. They ducked behind an old car and checked their guns. "I have three left." Lisa yelled. "I have two." Thabiso yelled back. "What the fuck is going on??" Lisa asked. "Thomas just turned on me. He killed Vincent, my dad and all my business partners. I guess he kept me alive to meet the distributor next week. I always kept my distro's identity a secret." Thabiso said peeking through the cars broken window.

"Thomas? Fuck! I was going to blame Jabu your bodyguard." Lisa scoffed. She had come up with a real good theory and Jabu was definitely the mole in her books. She owned poor Jabu an apology. "Thomas." Thabiso said his cousins name out of disbelief. His best friend and brother turned on him. Thabiso was in paranoia who could he trust.

Xolani stood shocked at the sight before him. Thabiso was shooting at his own people. He and his men were just watching the little movie staring Thabiso unfolding before them. "Bring the popcorn. I have a front row seat to my enemies demise." was all Xolani was thinking until he saw Lisa join the gun battle. "Stupid bitch." Xolani cursed.

He instructed his men to give them cover as he extracted her. This short woman was a pain in the butt. Xolani sprinted the short distance between them while shooting at his opponent. He ducked beside them behind the car and threw two cartridges of emo. "Re-load and follow me." Xolani said standing to fire at the enemy.

The car was riddled with bullets. He would get them out of here and kill Thabiso when they were safe. That made more sense to Xolani. Thabiso re-loaded and started shooting back. The traitors were retreating because they were outnumbered. "Thomas!" Thabiso yelled looking at the car leaving. "He had Rita." Thabiso thought anxiously.

"Come on." Xolani yelled from the back of a car. Thabiso jumped into the front seat and Lisa in the back. The car sped off and reality sank in. "Are you hurt?" Xolani yelled examining Lisa. "No, stop touching me!" Lisa said pushing Xolani away. She was finally free but Thabiso was definitely fucked.

Thabiso couldn't even speak. His uncle killed his father and his cousin organised it. Thabiso felt like he couldn't breathe. He trusted them so much. His father trusted them. His heart sank when he thought about Rita. He entrusted her safety to Thomas and he would definitely use her to get him.

"I am gonna kill your." Xolani said driving down a dirty road. "Go ahead man. I have no reason to live." Thabiso said throwing the gun at Xolani. "Fuck!" Xolani cursed stopping the car. "You're supposed to plead for your life like my father did. Cry and piss yourself as I fill you up with bullets." Xolani yelled.

"I didn't kill your father, Xolani!" Thabiso was tired of defending himself. He wasn't even born when ally his happened. "But your father did!" Xolani was livid. "So you say. But, fact is I didn't kill him. Hating me for something I didn't do doesn't make sense. So, go ahead kill me." Thabiso yelled.

"Ladies please. Could you stop arguing until were safe. I am kinda bleeding here." Lisa said waving her hand. "Fuck." Xolani said starting up the car and driving off.

A/N: Thanks for the support. Please rate and comment below. Please be nice I wrote this in a whim and might have some errors. I will edit it soon. Thanks

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