And they laugh— carefree as if nothing will ever harm them again. Despite the thoughts saying otherwise, the laugh is still genuine. It rattled your heartstrings, made you happy. It was a noise you want to hear more often.

"Precious, precious." You coo, running your hand through their hair, signing-in for classes can wait for later. "My precious Eclipse."

Anything can wait for later when it comes to them.


Today you were going grocery shopping, and had asked if they wanted to come with you.

You wanted them with you because you liked their company.

That had made them feel things— stuff like their stomach flipping in a tickling sense. True, they went with you to the cafe and the park, but this felt a little different, somehow. They didn't need to go, but you asked them to. You wanted them with you for the sake of just having them. Nothing more, nothing less.

You enjoyed their company. You wanted them with you.

And for different reasons— other than not wanting to be alone right now, the two had agreed. They grabbed their shoe and tied it in place, got their crutch, then held your hand as you welcomed them once again to the outside world.

It wasn't always that they went outside in their old life, especially the year and a half they spent with that man— they can't remember if they had gone out in that time at all, actually.

Mrs. Lawrence would go out a lot, especially to shop, and, while she does take them out with her so they could hold the bags, it was still different from this— right now was different than any time they had been out. They felt... free, almost like there was no weight in life holding them down.

Well... except their missing leg, of course, but that's why they had a crutch!

You had spoken that, if they so felt like their leg began to hurt or they became too tired, then you would carry them. They agreed, but Sun still wanted to try and walk, if just a little. The weightless pull of their right thigh is almost scary— having only been out of the hospital not so long ago. Even though their leg stopped hurting and moving for so long, it still felt almost... wrong not to have it being there, even if it just hung limply.

But that's fine! You had promised to help, and your proposal about requesting them a new mechanical one made the two overjoyed, even if they still didn't know if they could handle having it. It was still hard to accept everything that's happening, especially with the dissociation they seemed to suffer with, but it was progress into breaking through.

If little by little steps would help, then you'll tiptoe with them till they make it.

The feeling of you there was enough.

Sun fixed the shades on his face— the pink tented glasses helping with the afternoon light from hurting their still adjusting eyes. He looks around, whiteish and red eyes taking in the people walking by— Humans and aliens and Androids of all kinds. Some spared them a look, but most were too busy shopping or just enjoying their afternoon. It was so peaceful.

They held your hand still, a little scared of accidentally pumping into someone with how wobbly they walked— trying to learn how to use a crutch was harder than they thought or hoped. Their armpit would ache if they overused it, and more times than not they would trip and almost fall. So, they take in holding your hand, especially because they don't know their way around. Surely neither of them wanted to get lost— imagine if their previous owner found them! Oh, heavens! He isn't even a previous owner— he still owns them. If he saw them, then...

My Baby (Sun/Moon x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon