Chapter 108

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  Xu Qinghe looked over. In the dim light of the flashlight, a dark-skinned young man was carrying a full suitcase on his shoulder, several large bags of clothes and quilts, and a large bamboo basket on his back covered with a raincoat. He could vaguely see a few small electrical appliances... It was surprising. It's amazing how one person can carry so many things.

  The young mother choked with sobs: "Give me two bags, I can carry them." In fact, she was already carrying a basket of milk powder diapers on her back, and she was holding a fat baby in her hand.

  The young man comforted her: "I can do it, just hold Yaya well."

  The young mother sobbed: "It's all because of the rain - it's so good, why did it suddenly flood? What will happen to the food in our fields? What will happen to the things at home? What will happen in the future?"

  Being woken up in the middle of the night, everyone was in a hurry to pack their things and run for their lives. They didn't even have time to think about these things. Now that someone mentioned it, sadness immediately began to spread.

  The village director who was following him was busy all the time and didn't even care about his family, so he went up the mountain and took something from his family. Hearing this, he felt a little depressed.

  Just then, someone from behind suddenly shouted: "The water is coming!!"

  Everyone subconsciously stopped and looked back down the mountain.

  On rainy nights, due to the various light sources available in every household, the surrounding area is not only as bright as daytime, but at least the raindrops can be seen. But the light was limited to the immediate area, away from the crowd, everything in the distance was as dark as ink.

  And in the darkness at the bottom of the mountain, sparkling silver light appeared from nowhere and spread silently across the downhill road they had just passed.

  If they had been slower for ten minutes, this wave of water...

  For a moment, in the forest, apart from the rustle of rain hitting the leaves, there was only the fear and fear of everyone.

  "Go!" The loudspeaker suddenly sounded, and Director Zhang's hoarse voice said, "The rain is getting heavy again, and the water will rise!! Go!"

  The accent was very strong, but Xu Qing and the others could understand it.

  Everyone suddenly came to their senses, turned around hurriedly, and continued climbing up.

  Old and young, except for the elderly and young children who were staggering, everyone carried their belongings on their hands and shoulders and climbed up with all their strength.

  Director Zhang held the basket on his back and urged: "Hurry up, those at the top should walk faster to make way for those behind!"

  From a distance, you can hear the village secretary who was leading the way yelling at the top of his lungs: "Hurry up, go up quickly - go ahead and clear the way if you have the strength!"

  Nowadays, everyone burns gas and uses electrical appliances, and almost no one cuts firewood for cooking and boiling water. The vegetation in the mountains is very dense, and the people in front have to find the way, and the speed can be imagined.

  Fortunately, although the trees are luxuriant, the mountains are relatively gentle, so walking is not difficult.

  But those who lagged behind were not because the road was blocked, but because most of the people in this wave were old people, and families were dragging their elders with them, so the speed was naturally slow.

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