Part Two

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            Seeing Kara act so giddy while in the world of Captain Knutz made Mireya smile

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Seeing Kara act so giddy while in the world of Captain Knutz made Mireya smile. It took her back – far back – to simpler times, when she was still Steven Curtsinger and Kara was his daughter, Candace (or "Zoe" as she liked to be called in her childhood). Captain Knutz's adventures had a profound influence on young Candace. Steven would often see her running around in her Captain Kelly costume, acting out scenes from one of the Saturday morning episodes. Now, several years and many regenerations later, she was doing it again in the actual realm of her favorite show.

There was one specific place Kara had in mind to go in Almond Town: Cashew Tavern. It looked like a saloon commonly seen in old western films, complete with swinging doors and a bar with an assortment of beverages behind the bartender. At the time of their arrival, the tavern was packed to the gills with pirates of various types – from tall to short, clean to dirty, and black to white. The only thing they all had in common was that they were all male.

And every single one drew their flintlocks on Kara, Mireya, and Craig just as they entered. Instinctively, the three outsiders held up their hands. Kara and Mireya particularly shielded the terrified Craig from the pirates' aim. "Why're they pointing their guns at us?!" Mireya asked Kara. "We haven't done anything!"

Even with flintlocks pointed at her face, Kara couldn't stop smiling over the experience. "They're pirates, Pop. And so are we, as far as they're concerned."

"LOWER YER WEAPONS, YA BILGE RATS!!" a man's voice thundered from the bar, though Kara, Mireya, and Craig couldn't see who it was – the crowd of bloodthirsty pirates blocked him from view. However, Kara recognized the voice as Captain Knick Knutz himself. When the pirates – Knutz's crew – obliged to their captain's command, they returned to their tables and, subsequently, their meals.

 When the pirates – Knutz's crew – obliged to their captain's command, they returned to their tables and, subsequently, their meals

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Kara beamed, seeing her childhood hero in the flesh, there at the bar.

Mireya was a bit daunted by how similar he looked to Dale Sydney, the actor who portrayed Captain Knutz (and current husband to Steven's "widow," Kristin Curtsinger, in their home realm). Of course, Knutz's features were more rugged than Dale's.

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