His look turns from anger to annoyance as he takes in the state of my fingers, and I'm suddenly embarrassed with how bad I've let it get within just a few days.

I'm about to pull my hand back when Dolion takes my small hand within his large one, bringing it closer to his face as he examines the damage I've done.

My breath comes out shaky as his warm thumb caresses the palm of my hand a little too gently.

I can't bring myself to even flinch as his eyes dart to mine. "You have tiny hands."

My face burns as I rip my hand out of his. "No, you just have big, meaty hands."

Stop being so attractive, you douchebag.

He says nothing as he nudges me out the bathroom, closing the door in my face.

"What the fuck?"

"I told you I had to piss, and you wouldn't leave." Dolion's voice comes from the other side.

I glare at the closed door, imagining it bursting into flames.

I turn and plop back down on the bed, crossing my arms over my chest.

He walks out moments later, saying nothing as he walks out the other door again. "I want out of here." I state.

He pauses with his hand on the doorknob. "Okay?" He says halfway questioning.

"Okay? So I can leave this tiny room?"

"The doors been unlocked since the third day, you've been able to leave the whole time."

"You dirty rotten asshole! You knew I'd try the doorknob just long enough to be convinced you were keeping me locked up!" I shout, feeling embarrassed, but most of all angry.

I hate him I hate him I hate him.

"Is that what I was doing?" He mocks innocence.

I stand from the bed and storm up to him, pressing my shoulder into him as I make my way past him and into the hallway.

The hallway is shorter than I thought it would be, opening up into a small living area with a single couch, small coffee table, and a tv that looks at least ten years old.

It's an open area joining into the small kitchen. Still, there are no windows.

And my eyes land on a single door, knowing it's the way out.

"Don't even think about it. It's locked from inside and out, and only I have the key." Dolion speaks from behind me.

I roll my eyes, choosing to say nothing as I continue to walk towards the kitchen, eyeing the refrigerator. I open it and find only a few things of meat, one being chicken. That's what he's repeatedly brought me, cooked, unseasoned chicken to eat, along with oatmeal and fruits.

I grow curious and make my way over the cabinets, going through them and finding simple things like dry pasta, cooking oils and... Seasonings.

"Seriously? Are you joking me? You've been bringing me the driest, most tasteless chicken I've ever eaten in my entire life, and there's seasonings?" I turn, questioning him.

How dare he.

"A bit ungrateful. I usually don't cook, you're lucky I brought the chicken to you cooked at all." He huffs out.

Oops, looks like I hurt someone's feelings.

I smirk at him. "So I should be thanking you for kidnapping me? Keeping me captive? Feeding me just enough to keep me alive?" I question him.

𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐌𝐞: 𝙰 𝙼𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊 𝚁𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎Where stories live. Discover now