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My mind feels groggy as I try to roll over, only to be panic stricken upon the realization that my hands are bound behind my back. I fight through the fog that seems to be clouding my mind, my instincts take over and immediately begin trying to spit out the piece of cloth that's been tied around my mouth, silencing me.

My breathing picks up, my panic intensifies as it becomes harder to breathe through my nose, my vision blurs with tears as I try to think of a way out of this situation, when suddenly I feel hands grab me from behind.

I thrash against the unknown person, trying and failing to get out of their grasp. "If you'd settle down I'm trying to untie you, kid."

The deep, rough sounding voice does nothing to calm me as I realize it's the same voice that belongs to the man who attacked me in my apartment.

I continue to fight against him, not wanting his rough hands anywhere near me after what he did to me.

"If you want to be untied you'll fucking stay still. Screaming and fighting against me won't do you any good, no one can hear you scream here, and there's only one way out of this room."

I still at his words, fear coursing through me. My dad definitely sent one of his more brutish meat-heads this time. I don't like this man.. What was his name?


The room is barely lit, the lighting is low, making it hard to take in my surroundings. Dolion takes the cloth from my mouth first, I work my jaw side to side, my whole face feeling achy from the stupid thing.

I remain silent as he unties my hands next. As soon as I'm free I scoot away from him on the small bed I'm sitting on.

I massage my wrists, feeling uncomfortable and stiff. I turn my eyes towards the large man towering over my small frame, his very essence screaming of pure, dangerous, masculine energy.

His icy blue eyes pierce my soul, seeing right through me. His disheveled jet black hair pushed back and out of his face, his chiseled jaw, and a body covered in muscles and tattoos.

This is a dangerous man.

He stares at me with a look of absolute disgust, and I have to question if I look as awful as I feel right now.

He remains silent and unmoving, and I swear I can hear a clock in the distance mark each silent second that passes between us.

My anger and irritation grows as he stares me down. "You can't hurt me, so stop trying to act intimidating."

My voice sounds harsh and dry, weak even.

"You think so, huh?" He asks me, his expression staying the same.

"You hurt a hair on my fucking head and my father will have your head mounted on his wall, Dolion."

He stands and walks away from me, taking a seat in a chair across the small room.

"Hm, such a feisty little woman. I'd expect nothing less from the one about to inherit the Sicilian Mafia."

"Fuck the Sicilian Mafia." I say through clenched teeth.

An amused expression crosses his features as he eyes me.

"What all did your father tell you?"

"That I was in danger, that's why he sent you to basically kidnap me and hide me away against my fucking will."

"Anything else?"

"Just that this whole ordeal involves the filthy Russian's. That your name is Dolion, and that your dumbass is supposed to be keeping me safe, not tying me up like some kind of creep."

𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐌𝐞: 𝙰 𝙼𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊 𝚁𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu