𖤐 1. Summoning 𖤐

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"Come on Scar, don't be scared! Nothing is going to happen, it's just for fun!" Mumbo laughed and dragged Scar out into the woods. During one of Mumbos clean ups he had found an ancient looking book where there were a spell. The spell looked weird and was in some ancient galactic language, Mumbo didn't know any galactic but Scar had a little knowledge of it so Mumbo had persuaded the vex to follow him into the woods to say the words.

"Mumbo, are you sure this is safe?" Scar asked with a trembling voice.
"Yeah yeah, it'll be fine, just say the words" Mumbo said and opened the page up on the most interesting page, it was filled with red symbols and pentagons. The redstoner gave Scar the book and the brunette began reading.

"̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ" the vex took a pause and a deep breath before continuing.
"∴ᒷ ᔑ∷ᒷ ᓭ⚍ᒲᒲ𝙹リ╎リ⊣ ||𝙹⚍ ᔑリ↸ ∴ᒷꖎᓵ𝙹ᒲ╎リ⊣ ||𝙹⚍ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ᓭᒷ∷⍊ᒷ∷"

Grian was just hanging around in the Underworld when he heard a voice in his head. He decided to listen as it wasn't everyday a strange voice sounded but not a source in sight.

"Xelqua, we are summoning you and welcoming you to this server" the voice said and the demon strangled a laugh, the puny mortals couldn't be even pronounce his name right, and what book were the voice reading from? He hadn't heard the name Xelqua in forever.

He shrugged and decided to why not check it out? He was bored here in the Underworld and as one of the most powerful demons he could just take a short visit now that he had been invited.

He grinned and took his shortest human form, the dirty blonde hair he kept from his demon form but he made his eyes blue, his wings turned smaller as it of course was a demon the voice had summoned, two small horns popped out of his hair and his razor sharp teeth shone bright like his smile.

"See? Nothing is happening" Mumbo said, moments after a bright, red light shone and a small person appeared, except the 'person' had black wings, black horn and a tail. It was a demon.

"SOMETHING DEFINITELY HAPPENED MUMBO!" Scar yelled and the demon waved. "Hello mortals, you pronounced my name wrong" it said and smiled a sharp smile.
"W-well, what are you and your name?"
"You called me by my ancient name, Xelqua, and I'm a demon, by the way I go by the name Grian now" the blonde said and flapped his wings to prove they were real.

"Mumbo! What do we do!" Scar whisper-yelled and Mumbo looked panicked. "I DON'T KNOW! HOW DO WE HIDE A DEMON FROM X?"
"I DON'T KNOW! THIS WAS YOUR IDEA MUMBO!" Scar yelled and Grian looked in amusement, he transformed to look fully human and looked at the two.

"I can still hear you two" he said and the two hermits paused.
"Are you a friendly demon?"
"If I was unfriendly, you'd already be dead" he said which was true, he had fangs and big claws and he was both faster and stronger than a human which was why he loved this smaller form where he could easily be underestimated.

"Oh, well I think that X is already on his way to here so we gotta figure something out" Mumbo said and as if he was summoned, Xisuma walked out into the clearing.

"Figure what out?" He asked and looked at his admin panels. "According to my admin panels there was some suspicious activity right here, is this something you guys know about?" He asked, still not laying his eyes on the demon.

"Yeah, sorry about that X, but my friend, Grian, really wanted to see the server because he wants to join, so there he is" Mumbo said and pointed at the blonde. X's expression changed to shock and checked his player list again.

"I don't see him on the player list, how did he get here?" The voidwalker asked and Scar shrugged. "I don't know, he just appeared, that was probably the suspicious activity you have tracked" Xisuma looked between three males and then sighed. "I don't know what you've been up to, but let me talk to Grian alone" he said and Mumbo and Scar flew away and the blonde was left alone with the admin.

"So, is Grian your real name?"
"Yes, it's not my birth name but it's the name I'm most comfortable with" he answered honestly, the demon didn't know what it was but he felt obligated to protect these players, they had summoned him to this server and he liked it here, it was better than the Underworld.

"What is your species?" X asked, having found a notebook and scribbling something in it.
"Uhhhh" Grian said, hesitating, as who would want a High Demon on their server?

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, are you from the End, Overworld or Nether?" He said and Grian shrugged, he wasn't really from any of the options, but Nether was close enough. "Nether" he said and X nodded.

"That's cool, what are your strengths?" The admin asked and the demon smiled.
"I'm a good flyer and I'm also great at building" he answered and X nodded.

"Well, you seem fit for this server Grian, welcome to Hermitcraft season 6" he said and they shook hands.
Grian lit up in a smile and went out on an adventure to start the season out.

~929 words

Beneath the horns || GrianTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon