(21) I Can't Go Back!

Start from the beginning

"Yea girl, get with it"

Luz smiled brightly and spoke "You guys are literally the coolest! We need to stop the draining spell but he's all berserk mad!"

Philip tried to restrain vines but Willow casted more to keep him down.

The pillars started to tremble, and crack the more Belos tried to get out of the vines, the wall above started to crumble

Hunter rushed to your side, and spun his staff so rocks from above wouldn't hit you both

then Amity came running to Luz's side, shielding her with her abomination, making the rocks not hit Luz.

but Philip was starting to break the vines and escape, thankfully Amity and Luz held his head down using an ice glyph and abomination goo

You made a shield with your staff, to go over Willow so she doesn't get hit as she restrains Belos, Y/n put her arm around Hunter's shoulder to kept him standing, Hunter smiled at the girl and tried as well to over Willow

"Gus!" Willow shouted out for Gus to help

Gus ran to her "I got it!"

Philip broke through the ice and abomination goo, and roared loudly, Amity made an abomination lasso to hold him down "Alright belos, time to calm down a little"

Gus said as he held the little illusion mirror, his eyes turn a neon cyan color, and started to show Philip's worse memories in his head.

He screamed out in pain, he broke through the lasso, slamming his back against the pillar out of rage and pain.

Willow and Luz tried to hold the pillar together with vines.

Philip had the memories of his brother, he screamed and snarled out in anger and pain, and tried to crush Gus but Hunter teleported and pushed Gus away from Belos, the spell broke, Gus showed a face full of shock

The cyan color faded from Belos's eyes, he jolted in front of Hunter, his face turned back to his normal human face but not his body, "Hunter.. why are you hurting me..? I only wanted to help you" He croaked.

The blonde started back at Philip out of pure fear, "Your... Your lying!" sweat dripped down his face, out of fear and nervousness.

Philip glanced at the red palisman and roared our "CALEB!" His voice was loud and hurt our ear drums, his voiced echoed through the skull

Amity used an abomination lasso to try and pull belos back, but he ripped through it, slashing Hunter's shirt making a claw mark on his now ripped shirt, and a small wound on his stomach

Y/n teleported behind Philip and slashed her glyph bat against his back, making fire blast his back, the old man fell forward, Hunter teleported him and Gus away before getting crushed

"I should have gotten rid of you when I had the chance!" The beast growled then slammed you to the wall, you groaned in pain, the group went over to you, Hunter places his free hand on your shoulder but before you all can escape, Belos corner all of you

Philp raised his claw, above his head, getting ready to strike the group, killing them all.

Once he swung at the group, everyone closed their eyes tightly until nothing happened, they opened their eyes to see a kid with white hair

"Whatchya playing?" The kid asked, with a smile forming on their face.

Belos backed up "Collector...?" The Collector turned to look at Belos, his face showed pure shock "Your free, just as promised"

"As you promised?" The little boy's voice started to rise up "I remember someone throwing me off a bridge, I'm not angry though!" He smiled "Say? wanna play tag?"

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