"Bada, omg this is beautiful. Where did you find this place?" I asked in awe.

"I used to come here when I was younger with my brother and sister-in-law. We would come up here to talk or just get away from everything. It was our little secret hide-out from our family." Bada said with a warm smile. 

"You're very lucky Miss Luna, I've never even brought the girls up here," she said teasingly. I pressed a hand to my heart and wiped a fake tear. 

"I'm honored," I said and we giggled. She unfolded one of the blankets in her hand and placed it on the ground as she sat on top of it. She brought her hand for me to take as she pulled me down next to her right side and unfolded the other blanket on top of our legs. She took out the bag she had and revealed all the pastries she had brought. I was so excited to see the beautiful chocolate-filled donuts. I guess this food baby is getting a sibling lol. 

"When'd you even have time to get this?" I asked honestly curious. We were with each other all day, so I needed to know what sorcery she used. 

"Remember when I went to the bathroom at the restaurant? We'll your back was turned to me so I quickly went to the shop next door and bought some stuff and put it in the car." 

"Wow, Houdini," I said clapping my hands at her slick escape. We got comfy and sat looking up at the beautiful night sky as we ate the delicious sweet treats. After a few minutes, I caught Bada staring at me so I looked over to her.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked laughing a little. 

"Just trying to figure you out," she replied

"I thought we already figured each other out," 

"I don't know. I guess I'm just curious as to what goes on inside your head," she said turning back around to look up at the sky while taking a bite of her donut.

"You wanna talk about what happened at the mall?" Bada asked while staring up at the stars. I let out a soft sigh before replying. 

"I kinda lied earlier. Kirsten never texted me. It was Haneul. He found out about our dance video the other day and has been angry about it. He told me people today were asking him about it and I guess they were saying some nasty and disrespectful things to him. He kinda took it out on me today and that's what got me in my little mood," I said honestly as I took a bit of another treat in the bag. 

"What is he mad for? He also knows a lot about what goes on in the dance world and how things are strictly business. He shouldn't be taking his anger out on you over something like this," she exclaimed. I could tell she was getting heated about the situation. 

"Why does he treat you like you're his property anyway, you are a professional dancer who's free to do how you please. I get the dance was more provocative than you normally go for but he shouldn't make you feel this way about it, instead, he should communicate with you in a respectful manner, not hound you like you're some random dude," Bada said while facing me now. 

"Is he always like this?" she asked looking me in my eyes. I couldn't lie to her because she knew exactly when I was lying. So I tell her the truth, or half the truth anyway. 

"Now that I'm looking back on my life with him, I guess you could say he's always been this persistent. I was just too oblivious to realize it sooner," I said honestly.

"Then why are you still with him Luna?" she asked softly. She grabbed my hand and stroked the back of it with her thumb. I looked up at the sky trying to keep these tears at bay. I was sad that I had been so stupid this entire time not to realize how much of a horrible person Haneul was but now it was too late. He knew too much and he would stop at nothing to make sure I lost everything if I left him. I let out a long sigh before replying.

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