Massac*re of the WR

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This part of the story is a but more brutal and bloody than the avarage parts of a Wattpad Fanfic.

I advise that you will only read this if you have passed the age of 12!!!

Anyways let's begin

Anos's pov.:

-In the previous chapter-

Hiyori.: Okay Sensei! I'm going to the library you coming Ayanokouji-kun?

Ayanokouji.: Sure!

-In the previous chapter-

Anos.: Kurumi? Remember the talk woth the chairman?

Kurumi.: I'm coming!

-meanwhile in the Library-
No-one's pov.:

Hiyori.: So Ayanokouji-kun? Have you heard of the new book called.: JFK and the unspeakable?

Ayanokoji.: No, I didn't. Can you tell me about it?

Hiyori.: It's mainly about John F. Kennedy's presidency and the event surrounding his assasination.

Ayanokouji.: Based on my knowledge he tried to change to banking system mainly but failed. He was also related to the Vietnam War a little bit

Hiyori.: Yes, bu-

Sae.: Sorry to bother the two of you but Ayanokouji is required to come to the chairman's office. Immidiatly.

Ayanokouji.: I will see you later Shiina!

*As they move to the office Ayanokouji speaks up*

Ayanokouji.: Sae? What does the chairman want from me?

Sae.: It's not the Chairman. It's Atsuomi.

Ayanokouji.: It was predictable that he would come here eventually. I will deal with him. Just don't show fear in your eyes during the meeting.

Sae.: It's a 4 eye converstation between the 2 of you. But thanks for the advise.

Sae.: We are here, goodluck Kiyo. *opens the door for him*

-meanwhile near the WR facility-

Anos.: The Fuji's insides huh? Seems like Atsuomi made it look even more harder to find for the human eye than I tought.

Kurumi.: But we are by no means humans. We can deal with them fastly. And rescue thoose two.

(In this fanfic the only fans of Ayanokouji in the 5th gen is Ichika and Yagami. Both are inspired by Ayanokouji to become better. Every other 5th gen hates Masterpiece.)

Anos.: If my eye that sees throught the walls only the 5th gen is currently there with the instructors. The others generations, well we already dealt with thoose but the people inside doesn't know that.

Kurumi.: About 2500-3000 staff member (almost all) are present. And since only the 5th gen is here, things will be even faster.

Anos.: Okay then, let's start the rescue mission.

-Back to Monster&Creator talk-

Atsuomi.: Why don't you sit down Kiyotaka? It's not that you dislike sitting.

Ayanokouji.: I don't plan on staying here for long.

Atsuomi.: Sign theese papers Kiyotaka. You have no right to refuse.

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