Volume 4.5 (my version)

186 4 3

Ayanokouji's pov. :

Sazae-syndrome. Never heard of it? Let me explain it then. It's a type of depression when you realise that something enjoyable is coming to an end.

For example in an avarage student's mind it's the day monday. The wish that the weekend was longer. Same with summer break. They enjoy it and at the end of it, they wish it was longer.

I, myself don't agree. The time in your life where you can do anything is only limited by your school time (and parents in my case).

Or another example is work. Let's just say that you enter the workforce at 18 and retire at 60. The 42 years of work in your life, which could be freedom restricted by society and your bosses.

Some people might even be stuck in work after they retire due to not having enough money for example.

Some people (lucky ones) that are born in rich/powerful families are most likely outside of theese restriction due to having enterprenour skills in business. (like Koenji I suppose).

Overall the avarage people spend most of their life, making sacrafices for society.

Adult belive that students have it easy in there time and students disagree with this. In the end the grown up students wish to back in their school years, cause it was the better times for them.

I can't relate to this since I am yet to experience such things as work in workforce but I have a small experience in the avarage student's life.

Special Exam(s). Theese words normally mean a written exam for most students, or an athletical "trial" for some.

However, here in AHNS they are not trivival things. Just remember The Island Exam. And there was supposed to be another Special Exam, the Zodiac Exam. Which btw was not held due to Anos's "stunt".

In this semister the 1st years atleast had around 10 days of rest and 2 (in our case 1) special exam.

During this semister I made a FEW friends and few about-to-be-tools. Now I like freedom more so I won't become Hirata 2.0. For me, freedom in itself is enough, it's just a bonus that I have people I can rely on if needed.

Corrently I'm in my bed as if I was sleeping, in the other room is "the Harem" as Anos likes to call them.

I then opened my phone to check my balance. 4.320.217 pp.-s. Much more than avarage and around the same as the Class Bank that Ichinose has.

-next day-

I was heading to the mall as Ichinose said that a fortuneteller can be found in the Mall during the weekend. The girls went ahead saturday and got some fortunes.

Ichinose was called lucky and should not near Ballons for the rest of the week.

Arisu got the watch out card as the taller said that she should watch out for big things.

Sae had the " your depression will soon be over" card. I never knew she was depressed. Nor did she or anyone but whatever.

Nazuna was said that she will be a famous singer in the near future. No way that she sings to the public. She is afraid to and not like she sings often.

Kurumi and Anos said that they didn't got anything but they didn't care as they never belived fortune telling was true.

It is now my turn to see meet the teller. As I got in a sing got in front of my eyes.

Free Fortune telling to couples!

You got to be kidding me. Maybe I will kidnap a girl or something. No way I'm paying for it if it isn't needed to.

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