"Not much. She appeared out of the blue after he returned from England," Matt's curiosity peaked. "I saw her last time I was in his office. I sensed a lot of possessiveness in him," Matt knew a man who was obsessed with pussy. He had seen his fair share of men losing their battles to mere pussies. "Why are you so interested in her?"

"I have this nagging feeling that Zyler Stone has a lot at stake, and it all starts with her," Liam growled as he slammed the ice pack onto his face, his pain-filled hiss echoing in the room. Matt arched an intrigued eyebrow.

"I had the same hunch," he remarked, setting his whiskey glass down and leaning forward." he put his whiskey glass down and leaned forward. His beard was drenched in rum. "I want to make you a deal, Liam," he burped like a Godzilla trying to relieve its constipation. "I will help you take Zyler down," he poured more rum for himself. "And in return, all I ask for is her." Extending his hand for Liam to shake. "Take your revenge, but give her to me." a hopeful glint shimmered in his eyes.

Liam's eyes darted between Matt's face and his hand. "I don't make deals, Matt. You know that" Liam was in desperate need of help. Every minute he was away from April, his breath was winding as if he was locked in an underground cave filled with water to the brim, but he couldn't let that known, and if he did, that would mean letting April's presence known to Matt.

"Well, the only way you would get help is to take my offer," Matt replied with a steely resolve.

He got up, wiping, throwing the icepack on the floor. "Very well," Liam resisted, punching Matt in his balls.

"Her name is Willow Sumner," Matt wrote on the paper. "I think Zyler had a fake identity created for her. I have a feeling she isn't Willow. I looked everywhere, but there wasn't an ounce of information."

Liam scoffed. Of course, his pea brain wouldn't try to look at her immigration records. Nobody can fake those, no matter what.

Liam didn't bother to thank Matt. He walked out of Matt's house. He dialed the immigration officer. "I want to know every woman named Willow who entered this country in the last three years."

He hopped in his car and drove away. He forcefully swung the door open. A text message notification chimed, revealing an attached file and a photo accompanied by birth records. His fingers swiftly activated the computer, and he eagerly opened the received file, his attention immediately drawn to the photo affixed at the top, an image he couldn't tear his gaze away from.

April. She looked just like April when she was healthy. The only difference is the eyes. Autumn's eyes displayed a captivating array of colors, starkly contrasting April's serene blue gaze. "Autumn Willow Wraith," read the name. "So, her name is Willow, but not just that," Liam mumbled. "What else are you hiding, Autumn?" he scrolled down the file and found an exciting location.

She was from England then. Typing her name in the search engine, he waited for the page to load. Nothing was exciting about her except one article she had written about a missing girl. Georgina. He skimmed the article with keen eyes. Every word in that article conveyed pain and heartbreak as if the missing girl's disappearance had hurt her personally. There was an undeniable beauty in her writing as if she had been capturing the essence of April in her words.

Could Autumn possibly be April's sister? Liam pondered this question, leaning back in his chair and shutting his eyes, frustration mounting until he banged his head with his fist. "There must be a way," he muttered, gripping his hair in exasperation. Then, in a sudden flash of insight, it struck him.

"The shards," he exclaimed, leaping from his seat and sprinting toward the room where April had tragically stabbed herself. He didn't let anyone clean that room, as he wanted it to remain the same. He wanted her essence to stay in that room. He didn't want some stupid cleaners to touch her sacred space.

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