Thursday, March 19: Zoe

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In the morning, I wash off the red spray paint from my bike and pack a change of handlebars and a basket that attaches to the front.

I chose my bike, knowing it is the most popular brand. I bought five different handlebars, three seats, and two baskets to change out whenever I assume a new identity. And I always carry red, black, and white spray paint for a quick bike change.

Knowing about the crater, I change my route to avoid it. But of course, that's when I find the second crater.

It is smaller than the first, but it has the same shape. I take a picture to study it later, not wanting to idle longer than I need. The fact that I've run into both craters means my luck is taking another turn for the worse, and I don't want to test how bad it can get. I call the police and continue on my way.

By the time I reach work, the news of the second crater has already surfaced. "I guess your 'ceiling collapse' theory is a bust, Ruby," Aaron crows. Funny how he sounds happy about that when yesterday he was all for accepting it. "Two collapses in two days is unusual." I stick by my initial guess though. My gut tells me that appearances and physics are more important than logic in this scenario. 

"Ay!" It's Jina. "Guess what?"

"What?" I pause work and turn to look up at her.

"M and K got the job! I saw them patrolling Futurescape on my way to work today!"

"Weren't they wearing masks before? How could you tell?"

"They wear the same masks for work."


"Who's M and K?" Aaron asks. 

"Nobody," I snipe back as Jina replies, "Friends of ours." 

Aaron gives us a strange look. "Right." He disappears into his cubicle.

Jina giggles a little. It's contagious, so I smile too. Maybe my luck isn't going as bad as I thought it was. 

After work, Jina comes with me again to get food. Again under the pretense that the food is good. I retort that the food is moderate at best, and she needs higher standards. "What is your other job?" She asks as we browse for food.

I shift uncomfortably. I consider lying to stop the questions. I decide not to. "If you don't mind, I'd rather not tell you."

"Oh. Ok." I am surprised by her willingness to drop the topic.

"You're not going to ask why?"

"No. We have talked for less than a week. You look uncomfortable, so I will not press."

I feel touched and tell her as much. She brushes off my thanks with, "Common courtesy, yeah?"

I head to the public bathrooms near the park near Scriptor's when I split ways with Jina. I change my clothes, put on loads of makeup and the green lenses, put on heels to change my height, and tuck my hair under the Zoe black wig. I change out my handlebars and add the basket. If Lucifugus questions my similar backpack, I'll respond that all employees are required to have it for work. Like the mask.

I arrive at Scriptor's with my hoodie tied around my waist and chewing some gum I found at the store. I don't usually like to chew gum because I clench my teeth when I sleep, and chewing gum makes it worse. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

I unlock the door, every bit of me tensing with "I don't care" vibes. Thank goodness for that acting class I took in college. And Mom said it would be a waste.

Only after I unlock my desk, put on my mask, walk to flip the sign, and sit back down again does Lucifugus enter.

I stare at my computer screen with one arm draped behind the chair and the other lazily clicking the mouse. "Hello, welcome to Scriptor's, where every rule is yours. How may I help you?" I make my voice sound as nasally as Ruby's but deeper and bored. Crazy how a subtle change in tone and speech can deceive people not looking for similarities.

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