Friday, March 13: Danger

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When my alarm wakes me, I happily skip out of bed and away from the nightmares. A half-hour jog and a breakfast of toast and eggs give me the energy that I need to go to work. I pack my phone and wallet in a sturdy purse that hangs from my left shoulder to my right hip (only the most secure form of purse carrying) and check my bike for flaws. Then, I am ready.

For once this week, I don't have to leave three hours early. Instead, I take my time, enjoying the morning's peace; While it lasts.

I lock my bike on the ramp outside the office and head inside. The outside wall is repaired if you are okay with walls composed of a wooden mold. I guess they are going to pour the concrete later today. I don't know anything about the structural pros and cons of a concrete building, but it feels safe, and it looks safe, so I'll let it slide.

Inside, the office is already bustling with activity. There is a frantic feeling in the air of two days missed work and a supervillain attack to boot. It spreads like a disease, filling my heart with unnecessary worry.

I barely sit at my desk before Aaron pops his head over the wall. "Hey, Ruby!"

"Yes?" I start logging into my computer.

"I got our request to go to Vocal's old hideout approved with the manager and our team! You ready for a road trip?"

"Oh." I had forgotten about this. Or maybe I wish I had. "That's... great." I can't back out anymore. "Wh- when are we going?"

"This weekend. I was thinking we could make it an overnight trip to really explore the place." Chills erupt down my spine. I start to store half-formed excuses on the back burner for when night falls. I already have nightmares without sleeping in a strange and creepy hideout. "Does 11 am tomorrow morning sound good to you?"

"Uh... sure." As long as it's not at night. Or ever. Can we reconsider the "ever" part? "And you're sure it's abandoned?"

"Yep. I already checked the sight out, and Electronica's robots are crawling all over the place. No way anything weird is in there."

Electronica? If possible, more dread fills my stomach. "Which quadrant did you say the hideout was in?"

"Oh! I didn't tell you! Let me send you the address real quick..." He trails off as his shaggy head withdraws. A message pings on my computer. I open it. And, of course, the hideout is in the central quadrant. The most villain-filled place one could think of. Oh, how lucky I am. The obvious sarcasm is obvious.

I put my head in my hands. I wish I could time travel and go to the future after we have already explored the hideout. Or to the past when I could've joined Group B instead of Group G. I heard Group B has a group therapist and a monthly retreat to the ocean. If someone in their team suggested that they should infiltrate a villain's hideout that may or may not be abandoned on an overnight trip to acquire a piece of technology that may or may not still be there, they would have sent that person to their therapist to discuss their apparent madness.

But, no. I chose Group G. So now I am desperately scrolling through articles about Electronica in the vain hope I can solve this nightmare before tomorrow.

Lunch arrives. My eyes sting from staring at a screen for so long. All that pain and nothing to show for it.

I trudge over to the food store and buy a Caesar salad (the thought of noodles makes my stomach churn). I open my store, change into Samantha's look, put on the new mask, and log into my blog.

The door swings open. I've contemplated putting a bell on it, but it's already loud enough. Despite the knowledge that I will lose the train of thought I have for replying to the question on my blog, I look up at my customer. My customers rarely need anything from me, but it's good to be safe. You know, just in case of a worst-case scenario...

How to Survive a Supervillain AttackNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ