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French ~A person who strolls the city in order to experience it. "Deliberately aimless"~

Reine's Pov

"Wait, no!" I see someone coming closer and closer. "Help! Somebody help, please!" The red wall meets my back, trying to escape.

"There's none who can hear you here." The voice of a man appears. He takes my arm with a hand and cups my face with the other one, so I'm looking at him.

"So it's just you and me, princess. Long time no see." Wait, I recognize him. Jacques.
"What are you doing? Take your hands off of me!" I start shouting for help, but none comes.


I wake up sweaty and hyperventilating. Another nightmare. For some time, I didn't have one. But now it appeared again. I look at the clock, 8:25. Very early. I decided to get dressed because I would not be able to sleep anymore.
I dress myself with a pink blouse and pants, and I go down to see what I can find to eat. I pass bu the living room, spacious and classy, colors of black and brown.

"Miss?" I hear a woman's voice. "Don Armando is waiting for you in his study room. Please, come with me." God, I can't even have a peaceful morning without being disturbed by this person.

I enter the room. It is a dark room, very intriguing. I wonder what secrets this room has. But I can't think for too long because I see him. Sitting on his chair, looking at me.
"What do you want, Rossi? So early and already with your demands?"

"Buon giorno to you too principessa. We have some things to discuss about the marriage. In one month, it will take place. In Sicily. You have time to do it how you want, I don't care about any decorations, I have enough things in my mind to worry now about a stupid wedding. You can talk with Aldonza, she is the wedding planner. I need you to sign this contract." He explains while looking at me like I'm nothing.

"First, I also have no time to worry about a wedding I didn't plan. And what's that contract about?" I speak, trying to appear serious like a businesswoman.

"I don't see what you have to do, but then Aldonza will do it how she wants. Here are the rules:
1. Once married, in the house will come no strange men
2. You will respect me and follow my orders
3. You will dress like a Mafia woman, not like a teenager
4. You will act like a mature person, not like a kid
5. You will tell me always when you'll leave the house
6. You won't disturb me while I'm doing business"

Ha! What an asshole. "Listen here Rossi. I obey no man. I'll act how I fucking want. I will dress myself how I fucking want. I will leave the house when I fucking want. You shouldn't worry about me fucking strangers, I don't do that. Also, respect goes both ways. You have to earn mine and also respect me. About the business, I don't have any intention to be with you in the same room."

Rossi looks at me persistently. I feel like I will melt under his eyes. He comes closer and closer, taking slow steps, like he is the predator and I'm his prey, leaving no space between us. "You have quite a mouth, principessa. I wonder how much time will take until it will get you in trouble. Be careful what you say. Here I'm the Don, I chose to treat you kindly, but believe me, I can change that drastically. You don't wish to see that part of me, I assure you. I'm not a good man. Don't forget that."

I look at him surprised. "What would you do for example if I don't behave?" I don't know, but I feel a bit scared about his answer.

"Depends on what you do. I said yesterday to you that there will be consequences. I was not joking. In the end, I'm the boss of the Italian Mafia, the most dangerous one. People don't call me accidentally 'The Devil'."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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