A Lie In Time

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Charles's Pov

In my 54 years of living, I've seen the good side of people. I've met trustworthy and honest people. The majority of them aspire to be me, they want to have my power, my money, my influence, my respect; but they only see with one eye. This is how businesses work. You only let them to see what you want them to see. Never let anyone aside your family know your plans and secrets. I created a reality even for my daughter, Reine. I can't let anything happen to her or to her mother, I love them too much. My wife, Gabrielle, knows the truth and she told me to not cover things up. This is my mistake, which Reine will not forget when it will come out, because it will, sooner or later the truth comes at the surface. This is inevitable, I should have talked to her, let her know everything. Now, when everything is starting to fall apart, on my darkest time, it doesn't remain space for good. Good doesn't exist in Mafia.

"What should we do boss? Write a letter maybe?" Antoine, my right hand asks. I don't even have the ability to think clearly.
"Monsieur, we must take action. We need to do something or we'll end up dead and finally show Albert whose Mafia is this, we must stop him from achieving his goal, he keeps telling that he is the leader of our Mafia. We'll lose any source of salvation because of him. We need to inform all leaders who the real boss is. "

"Antoine, write a letter or post card to the Italians and invite them to Paris. You will not say that it's from the French Mafia, but from the Beaufort Enterprises. When they will come, we'll tell them that I'm the real Boss of the French Mafia, not Albert who is now the first 'good friend' of our enemies."

"C'est parfait. I will put some champagne. We must celebrate the beginning of an alliance, but what if they don't accept it?"

"They will, trust me. We have common enemies." I tell Antoine and drink from the glass of champagne.

"To whom I will write it? To the current boss of the Italians or to his father?"

"To his father. Father to father we'll understand each other better. He may come with his son and with who else he wants."

"Understood. I will go write it immediately."

All my enemies are starting a war, not only against me, but also against the American Mafia, one of my good friends and associates. But, even so, I still have to gain allies is our continent. The only ones who could save us are the Italians, the Don of the Italian Mafia, none else than Armando Rossi, the Devil, the most dangerous man that I've ever heard of.

At only 22 years of existence, he had gain a reputation that makes you tremble by only hearing his name. His reputation is with him everywhere. It's understandable, as the Don of the Italian Mafia, you can't let anyone slip.

Armando's Pov

"Amerigo, stop making jokes. I'm serious." He keeps smiling like an idiot. I focus my attention now to this ginger cat, which is looking, better saying, is staring at me that it almost starts scaring me. I continue her game, staring at her while she is comfortably resting in my arms. Everything goes like this until I hear the sound of someone taking a photo, and I see that is Amerigo with his phone in my direction.

"I captured the exact moment! Wow, O should have been a photographer!" He exclaims proud of himself. "You two look like soulmates! Am I right, Signorina Lola?"

"Meow, meow!" She's purring and resting her head against my chest, rubbing it against my black suit, smelling my cologne.

Amerigo takes Lola and cuddles with her "Armando, take us a photo" I look at him thinking 'where is the assassin, he looks like a kid whose parents bought him a cat for his birthday'.

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