Ch. 22 - Blissful Deceit

Start from the beginning

"Accept me?" I pleaded, holding myself inside her. Her walls squeezed me tight, offering my hard dick a softness with the right mixture of pressure.

"I'm yours. Goddess, I'm yours." She cried with no hope of ever denying me. My canines shot out, Loki pushed forward and he wouldn't let anything come between us now. My body moved inside her, watching her eyes of excitement and confusion.

She was already marked, but I didn't care. I was claiming her. I was sinking my teeth right over that pathetic Alpha's stain and wiping him from her body forever.

"Chase, I don't..." she looked scared for a moment. Her hand grabbing a fistful of my hair as I thrusted long and deep inside her.

"Accept me?" I growled to her.

"I.. I.." she stuttered with moans. Body shaking in pleasure and about to explode around me.

"Accept me!" My wolf demanded of her, calling her wolf forward, but that damn bracelet kept her suppressed.

My hand grabbed her wrist, burning from the silver as I pulled on it. I needed her fully, I needed her wolf to met mine and see the desire I had to be one with her.

Then she said the perfect words. "I accept you." She whispered and I lost control.

My body pounded into hers. Books fell from the shelves and her screams filled the room. My head moved to her neck, canines scraping that disgusting mark on her neck.

I felt her pussy locking me inside her, her body curling into a ball of tension set to explode. "Mine, Cherie. All mine and I'm all yours." I whispered, about to sink my canines into her when a sharp pain exploded in my stomach.

My head fell back, my wolf howled in pain and pleasure. My hips slammed inside her and she held me as tight as she could until I exploded. My balls squeezed tight, pulling into my groin and my dick pulsated every piece of myself into her.

The second I finished inside her I pulled back, letting her drop to the ground and I held my side.

"What did you do?" I shouted in disbelief. She wouldn't betray me!

"I didn't do anything." She was on all fours, panting like she hadn't had oxygen in hours.

"Something is wrong." I howled in pain again. I fixed my pants and reached out to my brothers. I was met with complete silence though. "Why can't I mind link any one?"

I looked to Kiera and the fear in her eyes told me everything. I never felt such hate for another than I did right now. This was a trap, and she lured me here.

"I hope you enjoyed my wife." Alpha Jackson's voice came from the doorway. I spun to him half shifted and he stood there holding a bow and arrow, one I'm sure that was tipped with silver.

He looked disheveled, hair a mess, shirt half torn a part, and deep gashes from clawing at himself. I knew it was because he felt every second I was with Kiera. I had enough of this little game with him though. He will die and so will she!

Jackson looked to his wife in disgust then smiled back to me. Men and women began pouring into the room with weapons of their own. Their Beta moved to Kiera, standing in front of her to protect her, but he knew better than any they were all no match for me.

"It not easy to let another take my mate. Her beauty could make any fall to their knees. The second you walked into my house you were all fools, tripping over her mere presences and you let it become your downfall." He chuckled and I lunged at him. An arrow went right through my leg though. The silver burned my insides and turned my blood to acid.

I turned back to Kiera. Her eyes shed tears, but I didn't believe she cared for one minute how she brought me down. She won't ever have that chance again.

"You will pay for this." I warned her then closed my eyes. Darkness filled the library, a thick black fog shielded me from their sight as my wolf emerged from the shadows. I wanted to fight, kill every last one of them, including my backstabbing mate. My brothers had to take priority, and right now I couldn't feel them.

I jumped out of the window, falling three stories and landing on my feet. I could hear Alpha Jackson and others scrambling to find me. Once I was clear of that room I could hear both Drake and River in my head.

'She can't be trusted. Retreat!' I growled to my brothers.

'Met us at the gardens and we will take the tunnels.' River spoke with a strain to his voice. He was hurt and it was his pain I felt stabbing my insides.

'On my way.' I growled and took off with the wind.

We were retreating for now, but we will back. Not just to take this territory and all the packs inside it, but for our little demon mate. She will pay more than any ever has. She will pay for everything!

"I, Alpha Chase Kingsley, reject my fated. I reject you Kiera! I reject you today and tomorrow and one day I'll taste your blood on my lips!" I declared in a rage.

The words echoed around me even though I didn't speak them out loud. Drake and River stood in the darkness, covered in the shadows of our past. Their eyes showed me they knew I was betrayed. They knew I was torn from the inside out, and they knew she had to pay for it.

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