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"I'm very sorry, your Grace... Very sorry." Tommen's servant sulked away. Pate had always been the most loyal of Tommen's retinue, but yet even he betrayed him in his melancholy. He heard the door shut behind him and the door was barred preventing Tommen from leaving his chambers. He had been thoroughly betrayed. His mother had betrayed him, Pate had betrayed him, the Gods had betrayed him. And he was too naïve to see it before it was too late. He grabbed his crown into his hands and turned it, feeling the golden jewels encrusted into it. He fiddled with the crown for another moment before turning and sitting the crown on the table with his uneaten breakfast. He turned to face the window and stalled for a moment before he made his decision.

He stepped to the window sill, there was no hesitation nor regret. He had lost nearly everything when Cella was sent to Dorne. He starved himself with guilt when the High Sparrow seized Margaery and his mother. He had been thrown into a depression after Myrcella died. And now, his wife was gone too and he had nothing left to live for. He did not jump, he simply leaned forward. Letting physics do the work as he closed his eyes. The breeze brushed against his warm face, a warm summer day now felt cold.

He was free, he felt free for the first time in many moons. He would rejoin Margaery and sweet Cella. Myrcella's laughs filled his ears. She was taken too soon. The purest person on the earth was taken too soon. He remembered playing with Myrcella in the gardens to hide away from Joffrey when he had gotten mad or wanted to hurt Myrcella and Tommen in a way that siblings shouldn't. In a way that would have likely had Robert kill Joffrey if he ever found out. Tommen thought his mother knew but she chose to ignore it, he hoped she didn't for if she did Tommen would know that his mother never truly cared for him or Cella. He remembered trying to calm Cella after Joffrey had his way with her to no avail those wounds never healed. He remembered watching as Olenna dropped a small crystalline object into Joffrey's cup, he let his brother die because he couldn't bare to live with Joffrey for another day. He remembered wondering if she was going to do the same to him at his wedding.

Margaery's voice calmed his racing heart, she did not deserve her fate. He wondered if Margaery would be pleased or disappointed with him. He hoped the former but he knew it would be the latter. He had let her and Uncle Kevan's killer continue to live, and the words of his wise grandsire came to him 'A good king must be just... Orys the first was just. Everyone applauded his reforms, nobles and commoners alike. But he wasn't just for long, he was murdered in his sleep after less than a year by his own brother. Was that truly just of him? To abandon his subjects to an evil that he was too gullible to recognize?' Tommen abandoned his subjects to his mother. The mother he once loved and believed to be pure of heart. Under that facade of a loving mother, she was just as ambitious and cruel as Joffrey. I have failed...I have failed as a husband, I have failed as a brother, I have failed as a king. May the gods bring me justice. I hope you still love me in the afterlife Margaery...

He awoke, his first moments in the afterlife. He wondered how he would be judged. Sweet Cella must be here! The person he had wanted to see most in the afterlife, it had been so long since he had seen her last alive. It had been so long since he had heard her voice since he made her laugh. But no. An old man greeted him, the father... Tommen thought. Upon closer observation, it wasn't the father. It was...Pycelle? Why is Pycelle here? Tommen wondered. The first person I see in the afterlife is Pycelle? The gods really are cruel... Tommen liked the maester somewhat but he was far from who Tommen really wanted to see. Myrcella and Margaery...

He wanted to speak, but his words came out in incoherent wails. The wails of a baby. A baby? Tommen was dumbstruck, he felt himself become smaller. The long legs he once commanded felt like they were inches away from his face. Something was wrong, something was so very wrong... Pycelle handed him to a woman. Mother? She looked younger and had a wide grin across her tired and sweaty face. Tommen wanted to yell at her, but only more incoherent wails came out. She has long hair again? Is this just a dream? Is Margaery still alive? "His name will be Tommen." Mother said as she held him in her arms. Tommen felt confused, This dream feels real.

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