Chapter 12: a past

Start from the beginning

"MK, from the moment you picked up the staff, their stories became our stories." Tang started. "It's our responsibility to write the final chapter, no matter the outcome. If we do this we do it together. That's Monkie Kid 101." Tang finished.

"Together!" Everyone said as they put their hands together. "Alright! So what's the plan, Monkie Man?" Sandy pointed encouragingly at MK. "Alright, so if Lbd needs the mech and the Samadhi Fire. It seems likely that she'll be using the mech to channel that power, so we should destroy the mech before she has the chance!" MK brainstormed.

"THAT'S YOUR PLAN?!"Red Son yelled. "LET HIM FINISH!!" Tang yelled at Red Son. "I was just checking we're all on the same page!" Red Son defended himself. "As you were, Noodle Boy." Red Son spoke.

"We break into the Bone Demons Mech. Get Mei outta there! Smash the mech to itty-bitty teeny-tiny pieces before the terrifying demon knows what hit her!" MK brainstormed, again.

"And what about your girlfriend? If she shows up-" "She's NOT my girlfriend!" MK interrupted Red Son. "And I'm still figuring that out. Oh! I got it! We'll have our monkeys fight!" MK exclaimed, pointing at the hero and the warrior.

"Um, MK. I'm willing to help and all, but I'm not a hero, kid." Macaque spoke up. "We don't need you both to fight her, you just got to keep her busy. As long as she's under her control the mech's vulnerable. We can do this! You two can do this!" MK explained and encouraged.

"Nice speech bud, but it's not going to-" "Stop!" MK cut off Macaque. Wukong slowly sat up. He woke up earlier, but was to drained to want move. While laying there, he heard the plan. But hearing Macaques voice too, got him wanting to sit.

"You keep playing at being this bad guy, acting like you're just in it for you! But I know deep, deep down you're not that guy. Help us make it right." MK begged Macaque. Macaque looked away and replied "I'm not a hero bud." "Then be a warrior!" MK stated.

Macaque stared at MK for a moment, in surprise, then chuckled. "Alright MK. You win." Macaque freed himself of his restraints. MK jumped backwards, surprised by the trick. "What!?! You could have freed yourself this whole time?!!" Pigsy accused.

"What can I say, I'm dramatic!" "I'm gonna take note of that!" Wukong commented. "Monkey King! You're awake!" MK bolted to his mentor and gave him a hug. "Yep! Still a bit sore, but fine." Wukong said to MK.

MK smiled brightly. "Le'go!" MK commanded joyfully. The gang packed up and prepared for the fight ahead.

------------(with Lbd and you)------------

"I finally have everything I need to recreate this world within my grasp! I just need the girl to surrender the fire to me, then I can start the world anew!" Lbd spoke to herself and you.

You tried to fight her control! You had to tell the others about the weak spot! Had to warn them about the Samadhi Fire! About Lbds plan! Why had you been so stupid, to run off on your own?! Why didn't you think through the facts?! Why did you think you could fool Lbd and get away with it?!! That was the stupidest thing to ever even consider!!!

You stood somewhere, you could only assume, out of sight, but able to swiftly leave if needed. Then, you heard a familiar voice. "Here comes Monkie-" "Girl!" Lbd interrupted MK.

You felt yourself land hard on the ground, or floor, almost Spider-Man style, then stand up straight. "MK the Monkie Kid, the Monkey King, and the six eared Macaque, here to embrace oblivion." Lbd stated more than questioned. "The opposite. Actually." Macaque spoke up.

"I'm kinda on this whole living streak right now so... We were wondering, maybe you could cut out this whole "end-of- the-world" thing. Would really help us out." Macaque said casually. Wukong stared at Macaque in shock. MK was just surprised by your sudden appearance and stuttered "Y-yeah. What he said."

"None of us can alter the course of destiny." Lbd pointed. "Figures!" Wukong mumbled. The two monkeys shifted their stances into defensive ones. "MK," Macaque started. "Now!" Wukong finished. MK dashed towards the staff! You dashed towards him!

Your arm was reared back, ready to make contact with the boy.


(1430 words! Yahoo!! Sorry for ANOTHER cliffhanger! But, as I promised earlier, IT'LL BE WORTH IT!! Also, reflecting on the chapter...

Tang: "It's our responsibility to write the final chapter, no matter the outcome."


Tang: "I didn't mean too! That was, just, the script!"


Tang: "Are you okay?"

Me: "I will be, just give me a moment to close the chapter."

Again, this cliffhanger WILL be worth it! I promise! Also, thank you guys for adding my book to your lists, and commenting, ECT.! It makes me really happy to see people enjoying my work! Love y'all!♥️♥️♥️)

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