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Bill's p.o.v
''To say Y/n was the sweetest person alive is an understatement'' Chris sighs as he stands infront of the open casket looking at all of us who are sitting on benches. ''She was so nice and caring towards everyone she knew. Even the ones who didn't deserve it'' he sighs looking down. ''She was strong and resilient, I mean shit she lived through so much but still kept a smile on her face no matter what'' he says with a small smile. ''Everyone in this room she loved with her whole heart and she never stopped loving no matter what'' he adds.

''Y/n wouldnt want us to be sad, she would want us to be living life and staying strong like she was'' he smiles. ''No matter what happened she is still always with us in our hearts, and even if we cant see her we will still have signs from her that she is here for us and that she loves us.'' Tears run down his face and he quickly wipes them. ''I love you Y/n'' he turns back to look at her before walking off to his spot between Ryan and Angelo who were both crying as well.

Next was her father. Cindy had to help him walk up and I felt so bad. ''I-I didn't expect this to happen'' he says barely able to get his words out. ''Y/n was the best daughter anyone could ask for'' he cries. ''She was kind, she was calm, she was greatful even when we had nothing.'' He wipes the tears from his eyes while Cindy rubs his shoulder comfortingly. ''Let's remember all the good things she did'' he says before walking away back to his seat. Chris walks back up and stands infront again.

''If anyone would like to say anything then they can but if not then the service will be ending and we can all say our last goodbyes.'' He clarifies before taking his seat again. My mind is screaming for me to walk up but I can't. My legs find it hard to walk up. After about 5 minutes music begins to play.

☆Time Skip☆

I walk along side Tom, Georg, Gustav and the three girls. ''I never thought something like this would happen, Y/n always seemed to escape death'' Nikki tries her best to joke while we all look at her and nod in agreement. No one really says anything while we leave the cemetery. Due to the fact that it was pretty much my fault Y/n had passed away all of the MIW boys refused to talk to me. Especially Chris, he was the most hurt and to be honest I think he was in love with her. He just didnt want to ruin their friendship that's why he had to turn down Y/n. I couldnt blame him for being in love, there was nothing you couldnt love about Y/n. He had the right to be mad at me.

Hell I'm still mad at myself. ''See you guys later'' I say splitting up from the group. ''See you at home'' Tom calls out and I nod. Home....funny how much I hated it now. i get in my car and drive off. Chris and the guys took Akasha considering I didnt want her anymore. She reminded me of Y/n and due to our circumstances Chris was able to be taken off the lease for renting the house. He didnt want to be in that house another minute after it was confirmed she couldn't be saved.

I think back every day to the first day we met. Summer camp. We all thought nothing of the craziness we would get ourselves into. Sitting by the rockwall kissing eachother for the very first time. Holding hands. Getting drunk together. Calling her mine. It was all gone. That young boy and girl were no longer here. I had changed and she was no longer here. It was all so painful to think about. Heart shattering in a way. Lonely was the only thing I've felt since she left my life. Only two months without you in my life.

I stop the car as I pull up to the asylum. I park my car in a free spot before turning my car off and exiting. I walk in and the nurse at the front desk gives me a smile. I hand over my wallet and my keys before walking through the metal detector. It doesnt go off so I'm good to go. They hand me my pass and I walk to the door. A guard leads me to a room and has me sit down. It was all white in here. Y/n hated the color. She said it was so depressing.

She thought the color black had more character compared to white. As I sit there I'm broken out of my thought while the door opens. A guard brings her in and sits her infront of me. ''Hi baby'' she smiles overly excited. ''Hi tiff'' I mumble looking down at the table.


☆look I know this was on short notice but this book was taking a lot of twists and turns and I felt like I had no idea where I was going with it so I decided to end it off. Dont hurt me lol. But love you guys and hope you enjoyed it. There is a possibility for a part three but I dont know. Be sure to be on the look out for my new horror book called blood lust and there is also two more. One called freakshow which may I say I am enjoying writing and Scissors for hands which is my take on Edward scissorhands. Of course We have the MIW boys in both and Bill and Tom are in Freakshow. Love you guys so much xoxo<3☆

☆It's Not Over?☆- Bill Kaulitz (sequel)Where stories live. Discover now