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☆Two days later☆
Y/n's p.o.v
Everything had calmed down since we had installed the cameras on the outside of the house. We were all currently watching a new episode of Ghost Adventures and surprisingly Tom was out here with us. ''So, to celebrate your 20th what if we go to Louisiana?'' As the commercials come on Chris suggests with a smile making me look at him more and furrow my eyebrows. ''Why so sudden?'' I ask while Bill looks at Chris. ''Because it would be fun, I think we should go to Louisiana. I mean the band and I will mainly pay and it'll just be all 9 of us'' Chris smiles. ''I don't know'' I say skeptically.

''Oh come on it will be so fun and take our minds off of all the bullshit that's happened two days ago.'' Tom adds in to try and convince me of this idea. ''Come on babe it could be a very good idea'' Bill smiles giving into Chris and his Twin's antics. ''Yeah but what about Gustav and Georg?'' I ask trying to find any reason to stay home. ''Gustav and Georg will be fine, they both said they would even watch the house for us'' Tom says making both Bill and I look at him. ''Now you have no valid reason to say no'' he shrugs his shoulders putting his phone down. Goddamnit Tom I think as I try not to facepalm myself.

I look at Bill for help but he just shrugs his shoulders. I look to all of the other boys and they just look at me with weird smiles on their faces. I stop at Chris and sigh in defeat. ''Fine we can go to Louisiana'' I mumble having a weird feeling about leaving in the first place. ''Good choice!'' Chris cheers as the other guys smile and cheer as well. I look at Bill and again he just shrugs his shoulders at this with a smile on his face not bothered about leaving.

☆3 Days Later☆

Currently we were all piled into my car and Gustav was driving because I didn't want to have to pay for my car to be parked at LAX. We all had our suitcases on our laps or below our feet while Tom sat in the passenger seat of the car. After about 30 minutes we made it to LAX at about 1 a.m . When Gustav parked everyone quickly left the car with a quick ''thank you'' and ''goodbye'' of course me having to be the last one out of the car. ''Thank you so much Gustav I owe you'' I smile at him as i close the back door and we speak through his open window. ''You're welcome and happy early birthday'' Gustav smiles.

''Thank you, take care and you guys can eat whatever you want'' I smile making him nod in appreciation. ''Bye'' he smiles before driving off. I quickly follow the boys into the airport and we do all that we need to before sitting in the chairs waiting for our flight to board. ''Why the hell do you two like to come so fucking early, our flight doesn't board until 4 a.m '' Tom glares at both Chris and I. ''Because Tom, we like to be prepared'' I explain as Bill falls asleep leaning on my shoulder. I smile and kiss his forehead while smoothing out his hair. Tom just scoffs in response crossing his arms over his chest. ''You want starbucks?'' Chris looks at me with a smile on his face. ''Get me my usual chai creme frappe venti, and can you get Bill a matcha creme frappe venti, and Tom usually gets the Vanilla bean creme Frappe in the size venti'' I more or less state as I hand Chris my credit card.

''Any food with that?'' He asks me as he takes the card and Ricky stands up from his chair to stand beside him now. ''Tom wants a cake pop'' I say making Tom grin. ''Bill will want a sausage, cheddar and egg sandwich. Then I'll just get a bacon, sausage, egg wrap and you can pay yours and Ricky's orders with my card'' I smile making him nod. ''Thank you'' he smiles as both him and Ricky walk away and to the starbucks in the airport. ''Thank you'' Tom smiles as I try to get comfortable in my chair. ''Well, i have now paid off my debt to you right?'' I ask him and he nods his head with a smile. All of the other guys are asleep, even Angelo which is surprising considering he talks about how he ''hates'' sleeping. I've always called bull shit and now hes proving my point.

20 minutes go by and soon Ricky and Chris are walking over with the five drinks in a drink carrier and The bags of food. Ricky hands Tom his little bag with the cake pop and his Vailla bean frappe. I slightly shake Bill. ''Baby wake up'' I whisper to him making him groan in annoyance. ''Is it time to board'' he mumbles making me chuckle. ''No'' I answer. ''Than let me sleep my love'' he mumbles. ''But I got you your favorite Starbucks'' I say making his eyes open and a sleepy smile graces his face. I chuckle as he sits up and takes his matcha frappe and his sandwich from Ricky. Next I get my card back first and put it away before I am handed my chai frappe and my breakfast ''wrap'' as starbucks calls it.

Both Ricky and Chris take their seats and we all start chowing down on our food while we sip our drinks. ''This is the best, thank you Meine Frau'' Bill smiles at me making me turn my head towards him and giving him a kiss. ''You're welcome Mein Mann'' I smile before turning my head and taking a bite of my wrap. ''Mom. Dad. Do you both think you can chill out with the lovey dovey stuff while we are on this trip?'' Chris asks making me look at him with a corked brow. ''Pretty please'' Ricky asks making all five of us break into a fit of laughter. When we stop I take a sip of my drink before looking at the two seriously.

''No'' I smile making Bill chuckle from the other side of me. ''I thought we could try'' Chris shrugs his shoulders making me chuckle. ''A for effort though'' I smile. Once when all of us are finished I get up and collect everyone's trash and throw it away in the trash bin before taking my seat again. Soon Bill leans his head on my shoulder again making me smile as I yawn. Tom, Chris, and Ricky were having an intense conversation about COD so I decided to get comfortable in my chair and try and get some sleep considering I never fell asleep before we left. Soon I was asleep but it seemed just as I did I was woken up by the boys. ''The flight is leaving 2 and ½ hours early'' Bill smiles as I stand up. At least i would be able to go back to sleep on the plane I guess.

All nine of us slowly walk and give the lady our tickets before boarding the Plane. We all make it to our seats and start putting our bags up. Lucky for me I have the window seat, but also unlucky for me I didn't get to sit with Bill. I had to sit with Balz and Ricky because no one wanted to. Let's just say they are very unhinged on plane rides or just moving vehiclesin general. Meanwhile Chris sat with Bill and Tom, and then there was Ryan, Angelo and Ghost who were all sitting together. I make myself comfortable while I have my ipod and my earbuds. I put them in and start listening to some sleeping with sirens while my body relaxes and I get comfortable.

☆It's Not Over?☆- Bill Kaulitz (sequel)Where stories live. Discover now