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Y/n's p.o.v
I guess both Bill and I fell asleep because we were randomly woken up by the door bursting open to reveal the seven boys who we havent heard for like four hours surprisingly. ''Wake up we got the security system set up!'' Tom yells as both Bill and I sit up. ''Okay'' I get up lazily and so does Bill. We both follow behind the boys and make our way downstairs. ''Here'' Tom brings us to the little desk in the corner and points to the open laptop that shows every corner of our house and even the doors. I smile as I look and make sure I can see everything.

''Aww thank you guys'' I smile. ''We thought that we would put these up to make you feel safe'' Tom shrugs. I turn to him and give him a hug. ''Thank you Tommy'' I sigh feeling more at ease. ''Yeah, yeah. I almost fell from the ladder and broke my neck because someone got distracted'' Tom turns to Angelo who just holds his hands up in defense. ''so you owe me'' he says making me nod my head. Before letting go and giving the other boys hugs. ''I made dinner'' Ryan smiles making me look at him surprised. ''I apologize if you get food poisoning though'' he frowns making me chuckle before walking into the kitchen.

I look at the pot on the stove ''Ooo the spaghetti looks good'' I turn and smile at Ryan. ''I told you it looked good'' Ryan laughs while Ghost hands him a 10 dollar bill. I chuckle as I grab some parm from the fridge and i start grabbing plates and silverware for the boys. I start plating the food but as I do that I start to smell something burning. ''Ryan, did you have anything in the Oven?'' I question making him gasp. ''Oh fuck it's the garlic bread'' he says worried making me chuckle. I grab even mits and quickly open the oven.

''Its not that burnt'' I chuckle as I pull out the tray with the extra crispy bread slices on it. ''Oh thank god'' he sighs. I quickly put them on the top of the gas stove and close the oven door. When I'm done I continue plating the food again and then I quickly start bringing the plates over to the boys. When I'm done I grab mine and take a seat between Bill and Chris per usual. ''Thank you Ryan for this amazing meal'' I smile. I'm the first to take a bite while the boys stare at me. I'm surprised by the over load of sweetness with what tastes like vinegar. Ryan looks at me with a hopeful look and I smile. ''Mmm, very yummy'' I mumble before i grab the garlic bread and take a bite of it making a loud crunch.

''Thank you'' he smiles. ''What's your secret?'' I ask with a smile while the other boys still refuse to try it. ''I used ketchup in the sauce'' he says casually making my eyes go wide. ''Wow that's, amazing'' I mumble trying my best to not be disgusted. The room stays silent for a moment which is unusual. I think the boys are trying to decide if they want to risk it and eat Ryan's food. ''Yeah fuck no, let's go to texas road house, I'll pay'' Ghost announces making everyone look at him with hope in their eyes. We all get up from the table and I collect the plates. ''I loved your kind gesture'' I smile at Ryan making him chuckle. ''Thank you Y/n/n, I knew it probably tasted like shit'' he pats my shoulder with a chuckle.

We all decide not to dress up and go as bums to Texas road house. So we leave as is making sure to lock the back door and the front door. We all pile into my car. Bill being in the passenger seat while I'm in the driver's seat. I pull out and immediately Ricky makes sure to open the sun roof and then he turns up the radio all the way blasting The Kill by 30 Seconds To Mars. We all just listen to music and soon enough we pull up to the closest Texas Roadhouse. I park the car and we all make our way out and walk to the entrance.

When we get in we are immediately seated at a big booth and start ordering right away considering we are all very fucking hungry at the moment. ''We also got motion sensor lights'' Angelo randomly speaks making me nod my head okay. ''I was thinking what about if we call the police about this whole situation??'' Ricky asks making me sigh. ''It's complicated, considering we didn't go to them in the first place especially when we got our house ransacked and have no proof they would think we were making it up'' I say making Tom and Bill nod. ''It's okay, officers Cock, Balz, Dick, Pube, and Tit are here for you'' Balz announces making me giggle.

''Oh yes my heros'' I clap my hands together making Ryan, Ricky, Chris, Balz, and Ghost bow their heads. ''Here you go'' Our waitress hands our drinks to us before leaving to take care of another table. I sip on my sweet tea while the boys start spitballing eachother. Making me feel pure embarrassment. If this is how it feels to have kids I'm not so sure I want any. I signal a waitress over and ask her to get 7 kids menus with crayons. She smiles and nods her head.

She walks off quickly and as she does so a spitball hits me on the face making me scoff while the boys look at me with wide eyes. ''Give me the damn wrappers'' I glare at them as I wipe my face with the napkin that had came with my silverware. ''God damnit Ricky'' Chris mumbles while they all hand over the wrappers to their straws. They sit their quietly but soon the waitress walks over with the menus. I smile and thank her before handing a menu to each of the man children. ''What the fuck, this is a step too far Y/n'' tom glares at me. ''Yeah we aren't fucking children Y/n'' chris rolls his eyes at me.

''You sure as hell act like fucking children'' I roll my eyes at the two. ''No we don't'' Chris also crosses his arms over his chest. ''Yo what the hell'' Balz yells as Ghost beats him in a game of Tik Tak Toe. ''Really?'' I quiz looking the two making them sit back while taking the loss. Sooner or later all of them are occupied with their menus while Bill and I sit there bored out of our minds. The same waitress walks by and sets down two more kids menus while shooting me a wink. I smile as I hand a menu to Bill and then I start working on mine. Parents gotta have fun too.

(Also want to wish a very Happy B-day to my pookie lovve3 )

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