Part 2

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Here we go again some shit of a men think that he can steal 10 million and think nothing will happen. When l catch him l am going to have the most fun of my life.You know what l am going to feed them to my dogs.

“Luca chill, come on” Dante my bother  says if he was anyone else he would be 6 feet under. I need a drink and a strong one and fast.

“Get me a drink, now” Dante looks me up and down “Now! ”He doesn't like it but he goes and gets me a drink.

“I am not you dog that when  you tell me to bark l bark or when you say jump l say how high” he says and brings me that drink you would think it would kill him to shut up. I look him dead in the eyes as he gives me the drink and he back up when it is in my hand.

He gives me a once over look before he leaves. Some quiet time is just what l needed to think of the idea. Then something come to mind my dear old friend, wonder how he has been. He would do me a favor like old time.

I just hate we're he lives honestly the gay has millions at his hands but acts like he has never had money in his life. We were friends for years until he choose to leave all this for a simple life. But you know you can never leave this live there are two ways out death or death. Basically you are killed or you just die the two ways out. Once you do the vow you in for life.The

I called Dante to tell the others to prepare the cars and get ready to go down town of west Bank. Were the   hoe's,small gangs, prostitute and many more hang around. Yeah l go a couple of clubs that side but l still don't don't like it.

“Why are we going that side of all places” Dante says once we are in my office. We have to discuss the plan form here.

“Visting a old friend ” l say and he looks at me.

“Really him of all people yeah he can get us the guy but why. You hate that side. Can't we send some one that side. I thought you don't speak to him anymore ”he said getting frustrated 

“Yes l don't speak to him but he still has  some favour's to repay” l look at him“Don't tell you are too good for that place now. You know it used to be our play ground. ”l say

“It's in the past” he says with distaste

“If you say so”l laugh a little. A knock sound then comes in Nikolai my right hand man, my best friend and of course the one stopping me from killing my brother. Most of the time.

“The cars are ready ” l give Dante a look that says let's go which he gets and gets up and walking in fornt of us. “WHY? ” That's all he says.

“He owns me a favour” l say

“why” he repeats

“I will fill you in later” we get to the front of the house there are 5 cars waiting here we go. I hate Visting the past but it has to be done.

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